Yeah well I wasn't sure if it had anything to do with it or not, but today I was sure it had nothing to do with it. I even tried putting it back to sleep from the Apple menu and waking it up using the power button, it still didn't work, and i mentioned before that usually it takes me it 10 to 15 seconds for it to reconnect on its own even after it says it couldn't connect, well that didn't happen either. I tried deleting the connection and readding it as security = Any (Personal), didn't work, tried deleting the location and readding it, didn't work either. Took me an hour and didn't know what to do. I saw in the network preferences it said "personal IP assign, will not be able to connect" or something like that. I didn't do anything to the IP address, i just put it to sleep n waked it back up a few hours later!! my desktop was working fine and my iphone was connected fine, dunno what happened to the macbookpro. Basically, the problem was solved by turning wifi off, deleting all the services on the side, going into "advanced" and deleting every single connection I ever saved at home and anywhere else, deleting the location, as if I never used wifi yet! I readded a new location, a new wifi service, reconnected to the wifi network by searching for available connections (not by adding it from advanced, so i didn't choose the security, the computer automatically read it's WPA2) and going into the TCP/IP settings and renewing DHCP the lease, as if i restarted everything all over again!! Big and long hassle, but no idea how long it'll last this time!! 😕
Side note: I never had this problem concerning the personal IP assigned. the only thing i know i did differently was yesterday I added the open DNS server into my DNS settings, just for extra internet security! dunno if that caused it or not...