Problem now solved. I don't know if my problem was different than other's or only solved in a different manner:
1. Create new user and log on to this.
2. Use Preview and TextEdit to get files created.
3. Find and get ~/Library/Container directory and copy this directly to HD.
4. Log out and into ordinary user.
5. Find Container directory from HD and move this to ~/Library/Container (which did not exist)
Moving across different logins required some manipulations which I do not remember exactly, and I also had to authenticate to write into ~/Library.
Why the Container directory was missing since I installed Lion remains completely unknown to me, although an engineer, I have stayed away of any terminal Unix manipulations. I am using Dropbox, this has been mentioned and it just might add to the soup...
So everything works now and I am slowly learning to scroll the other way around. It actually makes sense moving the surface rather than the cursor.