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I want Front Row Back

I'm sure I'm like a lot of other people here. I want my Front Row back.....

I listen to a lot of Podcasts, watch movies from an SMB share, look at my photos, oh and listen to music. Front Row has done this for year after year, and last night, once I found it was gone, I wanted to go back to SL. How can Apple think they'll ship the new OS without the media center (Front Row) which has been around since what? 2005-8?

Honestly, if this is some sort of push (on their part) to their iCloud crap, they are in for a rude awakening.

Apple should stop taking away our functionality. This one step forward and two steps back is getting really lame.

Plus, there also seem's to be a lot of bugs. new one for me is then I have my two 24" displays connected (3 screens total). Once I plug my iPXXXXX in both 24" displays go back!!! OMG The insanity!!!


17, Mac OS X (10.7)

Posted on Jul 21, 2011 10:14 AM

348 replies

Jul 31, 2011 6:07 AM in response to Gustafsson

I respect your position, but I don't think installing SL Front Row on Lion qualifies as "messing up" your system with "3rd party applications". It's an Apple product running on an Apple OS and Apple hardware. There's no mess. And it works great. An altogether different issue is its lack of connectivity with the iTunes Library.itl of iTunes 10.4 and above (which, in any case, does NOT affect photos, movies and so on). We are trying to be constructive here.

Jul 31, 2011 6:26 AM in response to Edumara

I was referring to Plex and other 3rd party applications that some are advocating. Installing Front Row on Lion might be a good solution for now (if the remote works) but what happens when other files get updated by Apple but Front Row doesn't? The lack of iTunes connectivity is already an issue. I'm a pro Apple user and I spend a lot of time making things work on my video editing Macs at work. I just don't want to spend my time fiddling with the Mini when I come home. I just want it to work as a media center. Therefore I won't update to Lion. That's all I'm saying.

Jul 31, 2011 4:52 PM in response to zoltan205

I am not happy about the removal of the DVD, I actually use it a lot, since I burn all my DVD's with handbrake and then move then over to my 4TB Buffalo NAS box, and I won't be using apple's iCloud, since I spend a lot of time at the lake, and no there is no adsl or high speed internet out there.

This is just a money grab for Apple, yeah, store everything on the iCloud, and we'll charge you for this and that, and then just a little more for this!

Jul 31, 2011 5:00 PM in response to Taxes


I totally disagree with you. I use both Front Row and my DVD, and will continue to do so for quite some time to come. Not everyone will use the Cloud, for numerous reasons. The Topic of this post is I want Front Row Back. And I've noticed a lot of poeple here use Front Row, and agree. If you don't, that is your opion, and your welcome to it, just as we are with ours.



Aug 1, 2011 12:19 AM in response to Edumara


1) Front Row Row works with Lion no issues regarding that.

2) The difference between iTunes 10.3 and 10.4 is in the application itself and in the ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Library.itl.

3) Front Row doesn't care which specific version iTunes.app is. iTunes connectivity is effected exclusively through iTunes Library.itl

4) If you replace your 10.4 iTunes Library.itl with the latest version you had under 10.3.1 (you can locate it under ~/Music/iTunes/Previous iTunes Libraries), Front Row and iTunes connectivity will be automatically restored IN FULL.

5) However this will create instability in iTunes that will not show extra music added in that period, and also will ask for updates of the apps that appeard in iTunes Store in the same period.

6) More to that if you open iTunes 10.4, it'll modify your iTunes Library.itl and also connectivity with Front Row will be once again eliminated.

7) So here is the trick: Make an ALIAS of the latest version of iTunes Library.itl you had under 10.3.1 (again you can locate it under ~/Music/iTunes/Previous iTunes Libraries).

8) Rename the Alias ITunes Library (no extension required).

9) DON'T LAUNCH iTunes.

10) Move the Alias to ~/Music/iTunes.

11) Launch Front Row and it will work again recognising all the Music.

12) When you are finished with Front Row just re-move the Alias back to ~/Music/iTunes/Previous iTunes Libraries before launching iTunes.

13) Done....just remember the above steps and be sure that you move the Alias out of ~/Music/iTunes before launching iTunes, and just remember to move it in before launchinng Front Row.

Cheers for now, hope it works for you guys.

Aug 1, 2011 1:17 AM in response to Cicciopoldo

The alias is a good idea for those who don't want to go back to iTunes 10.3.1, but there are two possibly minor catches:

  1. If you forget to move the alias back to ./Previous iTunes Libraries and you launch iTunes (10.4), the latest 10.3.1 library will be messed up by iTunes.
  2. Front Row will never be able to see any new iTunes content added since the 10.4 update.

There might be a convoluted "solution" involving copying the 10.3.1 version of iTunes.app to /Application under a new name (for instance, iTunes 10.3.1.app), which would access an old version of iTunes Library.itl. That way, new content to the iTunes Library could theoretically be added to by the old version. Then the itl file could be copied to ./Previous iTunes Libraries. Finally, the regular (10.4) iTunes.app would convert the old-style itl library to the new format. When we want to launch Front Row, we would only have to copy the latest itl library from ./Previous iTunes Libraries to its parent folder, and so on. All this might be automated via one or two Automator flows.

Another theoretical process might involve altering the Front Row core application so that it wouldn't access iTunes Library.itl but a new file named "iTunes-Library.itl", and altering a copy of version 10.3.1 iTunes.app so that it will access "iTunes-Library.itl" (not "iTunes Library.itl"). That way, we would have two independent copies of iTunes, 10.3.1 and 10.4, running independently from each other, each being able to add new iTunes content without messing up each other's itl library and Front Row being able to work well with all iTunes content despite the presence of iTunes 10.4 on Lion.

What do you guys think?

Aug 1, 2011 2:27 AM in response to Edumara

Yes, your points are valid, however, and as mentioned, this is just a temporary solution/workaround to make the program fully working.

Regarding a permanent fix, I believe option number one is actually not practical, even if it could work, and option number two could be better.

Even better....fixing Front Row core to be able to read and pilot the new iTunes-Library.itl from iTunes 10.4.

Last but not least, keep in mind that iTunes 11 will dramatically change and it will basically integrate back in the program itself what Front Row used to be, plus with a wider integration throughout the OS.

Aug 1, 2011 2:41 AM in response to Cicciopoldo

When iTunes 11 does arrive, it will be a great plus if it really integrates the entire Front Row experience. Meanwhile, altering Front Row so that it will accept the new 10.4+ itl library may be very difficult to accomplish if we can't access the source code. Naturally, this is purely theoretical, as reverse engineering is an illegal practice. In addition, decompiling "Front Row.app/Contents/MacOS/Front Row" may be tricky, and, in addition, the actual structure of the itl library may be a well-guarded secret, so it would be hard for a would-be hacker to produce a fully 10.4+ compatible Front Row. On the other hand, in all likelihood, my second "solution" would merely involve hex-editing a few Unix executables (which I suppose might also be illegal). As they say, this is only stated "for educational purposes".

Aug 3, 2011 9:02 AM in response to louid


Faced with the dilemma of having an iCloud-ready version of iTunes (10.4 and above) or a Front Row-compatible version of iTunes (10.3.1) running on Lion, and while we await for a definitive solution brought by Apple, there are things we can do to have the best of both worlds running on Lion through some Applescript code. I've quickly put together the code presented below, which can still be greatly improved upon. Although it is offered with no guarantees, it should work well in most situations. For it to work properly, several requirements must be met:

  1. The script is intended to run on Lion. It's unnecessary in Snow Leopard and it won't work in anything below Lion.
  2. iTunes 10.4 must be installed.
  3. A copy of the iTunes 10.3.1 application (i.e., not the framework or any other componentes) must ALSO be in the /Applications folder with the name "iTunes 10.3.1". If you already have iTunes (10.4) in place, simply copy a backup copy of the previous iTunes. Remember to rename it as "iTunes 10.3.1".
  4. A copy of the old-style iTunes Library (iTunes Library.itl) must exist in ~/Music/iTunes with the name "old-style iTunes Library.itl". You can get it from ~/Music/iTunes/Previous iTunes Libraries.
  5. A copy of the new-style iTunes Library (iTunes Library.itl if you have run iTunes 10.4) must exist in ~/Music/iTunes with the name "new-style iTunes Library.itl".
  6. Front Row must have been reinstalled. Ralph Perdomo created a package to achieve this on Lion.

If all six requirements are met, the following script (name it anything you like and place it wherever it suits you) will see to it that your iTunes Library is, at all times, ready to do what you want it to do, effecting EITHER (future) iCloud-compatibility OR Front Row-compatibility. Notice that this doesn't involve any hacks of any kind. When you swap from iCloud-compatibility to Front Row-compatibility, and vice versa, the script makes some noise (it sends temporary files to the trash). A revamped version of the script might avoid this noise in future. The script even allows you to launch Front Row from it if you've just used it to make your iTunes Library Front Row-compatible.

Here's the script:

#Make sure any instances of iTunes (10.3.1 or above) is closed

set iTunesVersion to "iTunes"

tell applicationiTunesVersion


end tell

#Establish common dialog title

set dialogTitle to "iTunes integration with Front Row/iCloud on Lion"

#Check that Lion is running

set osVersion to do shell script "sw_vers -productVersion"

if osVersion < "10.7" then

display dialog "This is not intended for versions below OS X 10.7 Lion" buttons {"OK"} with title dialogTitle with icon stop


end if

#Check that iTunes 10.4 or above is installed

set iTunesMainVersion to ""

tell applicationiTunesVersion

set iTunesMainVersion to version

end tell

if iTunesMainVersion < "10.4" then

display dialog "This can only run if your regular version of iTunes is 10.4 or above" buttons {"OK"} with title dialogTitle with icon stop


end if

#Check that iTunes 10.3.1 is also installed


set iTunesFrontRowVersion to (path to applications folder as text) & "iTunes 10.3.1.app" as alias

on error number -43

display dialog "This can only run if, in addition to iTunes 10.4 or above, you have iTunes 10.3.1 in your Applications folder" buttons {"OK"} with title dialogTitle with icon stop


end try

#Check that old-style iTunes Library.itl exists

set oldStyle_iTunesLibrary to ""


set oldStyle_iTunesLibrary to (path to home folder as text) & "Music:iTunes:old-style iTunes Library.itl" as alias

on error number -43

display dialog "old-style iTunes Library.itl does not exist in" & (path to home folder as text) & "Music:iTunes:" buttons {"OK"} with title dialogTitle with icon stop


end try

#Check that new-style iTunes Library.itl exists

set newStyle_iTunesLibrary to ""


set newStyle_iTunesLibrary to (path to home folder as text) & "Music:iTunes:new-style iTunes Library.itl" as alias

on error number -43

display dialog "new-style iTunes Library.itl does not exist in" & (path to home folder as text) & "Music:iTunes:" buttons {"OK"} with title dialogTitle with icon stop


end try

#Make sure iTunes 10.4 or above is closed

tell applicationiTunesVersion


end tell

#Make sure iTunes 10.3.1 is closed

set iTunesVersion to "iTunes 10.3.1"

tell applicationiTunesVersion


end tell

#Check that Front Row is installed


set iTunesFrontRowVersion to (path to applications folder as text) & "Front Row.app" as alias

on error number -43

display dialog "This can only run if you have installed Front Row" buttons {"OK"} with title dialogTitle with icon stop


end try

#Establish version of current iTunes Library.itl

set currentItlLibrary to (path to home folder as text) & "Music:iTunes:iTunes Library.itl" as alias

set currentItlLibraryVersion to (read (currentItlLibrary) from 18 to 23 asstring)

#Prompt the user as to their choices

set message to "The current version of iTunes Library.itl is " & currentItlLibraryVersion & ", which is compatible with "

if currentItlLibraryVersion < "10.4" then

set message to message & "Front Row.

Do you want to make it iCloud-compatible instead?"


set message to message & "iCloud.

Do you want to make it Front Row-compatible instead?"

end if

set question to display dialogmessagebuttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 2 with titledialogTitlewith icon 2

set answer to button returned of question

#If the user decides not to change the format, quit

if answer = "No" then


end if

if currentItlLibraryVersion < "10.4" then

#Copy iTunes Library.itl to old-style iTunes Library.itl

tell application "Finder" to duplicatefilecurrentItlLibrary

tell application "Finder" to deletefileoldStyle_iTunesLibrary

set temporary_iTunesLibrary to (path to home folder as text) & "Music:iTunes:iTunes Library copy.itl" as alias

tell application "Finder" to set name of file temporary_iTunesLibrary to "old-style iTunes Library.itl"

#Copy new-style iTunes Library.itl to iTunes Library.itl

tell application "Finder" to duplicatefilenewStyle_iTunesLibrary

tell application "Finder" to delete file currentItlLibrary

set temporary_iTunesLibrary to (path to home folder as text) & "Music:iTunes:new-style iTunes Library copy.itl" as alias

tell application "Finder" to set name of file temporary_iTunesLibrary to "iTunes Library.itl"

#Launch newer version of iTunes so that it will update the library, if necessary

# do shell script "/Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunes -ProfileManager"

set iTunesVersion to "iTunes"

tell applicationiTunesVersion


end tell

#Advise the user

display dialog "iTunes has been launched so that it will update its library with whatever purchases you may have made while running iTunes 10.3.1. You may quit iTunes whenever you are ready. Front Row integration has been suspended and iCloud integration restored." buttons {"OK"} with title dialogTitle with icon 2


#Copy iTunes Library.itl to new-style iTunes Library.itl

tell application "Finder" to duplicatefilecurrentItlLibrary

tell application "Finder" to deletefilenewStyle_iTunesLibrary

set temporary_iTunesLibrary to (path to home folder as text) & "Music:iTunes:iTunes Library copy.itl" as alias

tell application "Finder" to set name of file temporary_iTunesLibrary to "new-style iTunes Library.itl"

#Copy old-style iTunes Library.itl to iTunes Library.itl

tell application "Finder" to duplicatefileoldStyle_iTunesLibrary

tell application "Finder" to delete file currentItlLibrary

set temporary_iTunesLibrary to (path to home folder as text) & "Music:iTunes:old-style iTunes Library copy.itl" as alias

tell application "Finder" to set name of file temporary_iTunesLibrary to "iTunes Library.itl"

#Launch older version of iTunes so that it will update the library, if necessary

set iTunesVersion to "iTunes 10.3.1"

tell applicationiTunesVersion


end tell

#Advise the user

set question to display dialog "iTunes 10.3.1 has been launched so that it will update its library with whatever purchases you may have made while running newer versions of iTunes. You may quit iTunes whenever you are ready. iCloud integration has been suspended and Front Row integration restored." buttons {"Close", "Close iTunes", "Launch Front Row"} default button 3 with title dialogTitle with icon 2

set answer to button returned of question

#If the user decides not to do anything, quit

if answer = "Close" then


end if

tell applicationiTunesVersion


end tell

if answer = "Launch Front Row" then

tell application "System Events"

key code 53 usingcommand down

end tell

end if

end if



I want Front Row Back

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