Well, regarding charging people for updates, got to pay the piper. Don't have a problem with that. Cheap at the price.
I do have a problem with what Adobe just announced... though! Now you will have to *rent* photoshop, illustrator premiere dreamweaver...
... for more per year than a straight CS license cost?!
Disgusting. They should be taken down for monopoly abuse of the market.
Regarding the "power users" base of Apple, that's been the lifeblood of the company, and it makes sense to make that aspect of the company a strong priority. It's similar to Formula One racing, making high performance vehicles in small numbers might not make a lot of money in and of itself, and working at that level isn't easy or cheap, but it steers the company in the right direction, and if you can keep a racing driver happy, you can build a domestic vehicle with ease, the technology can be repackaged and coarsened without a problem. There's no hiding behind marketing or shiny icons when it comes to serious computer users, the product has to deliver the goods.
That's always been the problem with Microsoft, a "that'll do" or "they'll never know the difference" attitude. Microsoft Word's PDF generation is a classic example, it's absolutely diabolically kludged, starts slicing images up into little pieces because the graphics handler can't handle more than a few MBs, shoddiness and amateurishness has a knock on effect. It's easy to dumb smart stuff down, it's much harder to supercharge stuff that's full of holes.