Its your 2011 MBP I'm afraid! You'll have to buy a 2012 one. Just like petermacs daddy has done for him probably! For your install of ML I would repair all permissions etc. as noted by me however, even the fresh install of Lion is scrappy (hence the issue in my opinion) running TechtToolPro6.
As for edgarinsky, well I'm afraid that it's your ISP my sonny. Unfortunately the discussion has sort of induced a fanboy in the shape of the young man petermac here. He won't hear nothing of the sorts that your problem stems from you or ISP and not his beloved Apple servers. You see everything just works in petermacworld!!
In reality apples servers are known for slow downloads on the software that they sorta shove to the back and that would be Lion. You see Lion is something that Apple would have you NOT download. Go ahead and download ML again and you'll see how quick it comes down the pipe!! If your using Google Chrome then that could be the issue. As fast and fluid as chrome is I've noticed that on certain downloads it can be quite slow. Switching to Safari or Firefox usually results in faster downloads. So you could try that.
As for you petermac. stop whinging eh? Listen, son. It was Apple that said Lion was compatible with my hardware so I suggest you go and do your homework before being a smart arse. Remember it's still only OSX we are dealing with here. Visually it ain't that different from 10.6 or 10.7. Absolute no reason why 10.8 wouldn't run on my hardware. If it were a new OS
11 then that's a different story ain't it. Secondly, my contributions on this discussions have helped a few users which is more than I,can say for you who merely blames firewalls, anti virus or little snitch & old 2011 hardware! Here Endith the conversation.