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How Do I Remove Items From Launchpad?

Hello All

I would like to know how to remove items from launchpad without deleting them from Lion? I've Googled for it, but can not find anything. I've only read about deleting apps from launchpad by clicking and holding on an app? and an "X" will appear? I haven't seen that either. But I just want to know how to remove items without actually deleting them. Thanks!


MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2011 MBP 15" 2.0Ghz 4GB RAM

Posted on Jul 21, 2011 7:02 PM

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Posted on Jul 21, 2011 7:03 PM

Yes if you hold in a app it appears the X like in a iphone but if you delete it it deletes from your application folder and then from your system so carefull.

69 replies
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Jul 21, 2011 7:08 PM in response to MacJoseph

Because like in a iphone system apps cant be delete.You can delete it from your application folder but no from launchpad.I delete a app from the mac app store in launchpad and it disappear from the app folder and i can't find it with spotlight so i suposse it disapear but isn't in the trash so may it appear in the trash when restart the computer in the recovery folder.


Jul 22, 2011 6:45 AM in response to Thebestplacehere

The real answer is you can't delete apps from launchpad. So my only solution is to delete the application which is a third party application then reinstall it. Why I asked is becasue it put more than one instance of the same program in launchpad.

You would think Apple would have made a way to remove items from the launchpad. Don't get me wrong I love Apple products, and wouldn't even own a Windows PC, but incorporating a way to remove apps from launchpad is child's play for Apple devs. Thanks guys!



Jul 22, 2011 9:10 AM in response to MacJoseph

Ok, So now im a little aprehinsive of removeing some things fom launch pad.. When I made the switch, lion added a lot of stuff that probably shouldn't bo on launch pad (see picture).. How do I remove it with out deleating the program? Am I missreading this. I don't want these things in folders eather so please don't recomend that.. I just want my app store apps on my launch pad.

User uploaded file


Jul 22, 2011 9:21 AM in response to Zach Designer

having same frustrations with launchpad. i think launchpad is a huge disaster, they are trying to build a better mouse trap, spaces was perfect and i used it all the time. anyway there doesn't seem to be a way to do what you and I want. i have tried it all, and i have the exact same screen as you. adobe uninstall icons everywhere. quite annoying i must say. all in all i am thinking of going back to snow leapord.


Jul 22, 2011 12:43 PM in response to Zach Designer

I have the exact same issue here! My Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite Apps have duplicate items in launchpad. This are no uninstall items but duplicate app entries. If I conduct a search in spotlight, only one entry per app pops up.

I like the idea of launchpad and Lion works pretty good for me, this is not so magic though.


Jul 22, 2011 1:25 PM in response to MacJoseph

well for what launchpad is there to do we should not have to make a folder to put our "trash" into. that would be messy and i'm sure is not what apple intends us to do about it. as for taking the files out of the aplication folder, that could be risky aside from it also being messy. you don't know how the computer will act after you move things around. It is not a mistake that apple forgot to put in this feature, they just made a pretty bad feature in launchpad. it happens. sometimes the best thing to do is nothing...if it ain't broke don't try to fix it as the saying goes. Spaces was not broken.


Jul 22, 2011 1:56 PM in response to Zach Designer

just make folders thats what i did, for now i have a page with folders of garbage i dont want ton launch pad, however i still like my applications folder icon in the dock i dunno if i really like launch pad, thought it was neat but... only good for real organizaiton say games folder? but u can do that in dock too


Jul 22, 2011 10:20 PM in response to MacJoseph

Putting programs in folders that you don't want to see is fine.. If its just programs you don't want to see.
The problem is this:

/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{88878C42-AB99-4615-8B76-D5E783F174BF}.app

This is a .app file that no user should ever want to have easy access to... EVER!

I dont want a child sitting at my office computer to play a game and having quick and easy access to the "kill switch" for my very expensive and important program files.

Launch pad has sucesfully created 3 pages of these well nested files that I need to keep away form the general user on all of my employes computer.

If come Monday morning I havn't figured out a terminal code to hide or remove the files, I'm going to force delete launchpad form my dock using the terminal. Just go back to using spotlight

Hope all of your fun little "fixes" arn't found by your kids when they are looking for there game folder... Just saying

Side note: Anyone ask the question why so many of these "cool" new features arn't covered under MobleMe/iClowd sync.. (ie: launchpad and Desktops). How is one to keep a travle work computer synced for work flow?


Jul 22, 2011 10:33 PM in response to Zach Designer

This just gets more interesting... Now mac is hiding it's librarry file?? I'm working on augmenting my dock .db file (controles launchpad) right now... If you were wondering about you librarry file.. Use this terminal code to get it back

chflags nohidden ~/Library


How Do I Remove Items From Launchpad?

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