I have not yet done anything with a partition, this was just how I discovered this mystery "other" storage being in use. To be specific, I was making a clone of my windows partition that I was going to reinstall later. The clone was 34GB, and I should have had plenty of room on my Lion partiion to house that file temporarily. (I can always push it out to my external drive if need be.) So essentially, I was simply trying to copy 34GB from one partion to the next... it just wouldn't let me because it says my hard disk is full when it really is not.
I know the majority of Apple users are on portables these days, but these issues aren't unique to them. It's not Time Machine holding something for the next time it's connected. Lion is holding a certain amount of space hostage. It seems as if Lion is caching a lot of data on desktops too and not flushing it properly.
I called Apple Support... of course you get the run around and denial of it being a known issue. I got the usual reset pram and the like (that I'd already done, as well as every other utility known to man) and was then told to do a reinstall. This gave me back 4Gigs of the 128GB's Lion is playing terrorist with and holding hostage on my hard drive.
What I took away from the support call was this: the Genius was not surprised by this issue at all. You could tell he's heard it 100 times before... even giving me extended service calls out of the goodness of his heart.
I am willing to bet this is simply a very nasty bug in the OS, and it's something they won't acknowledge until they have a fix for it, or are close to one as that is Apple's way anytime there is a problem.
Really, I think a lot of the performance issues I'm reading about in other threads my be related with this being the root cause. Macs aren't known for getting fragmented or needing to be defraged, so we don't often as Mac users, consider this idea. If that "other storage" is filling your hard drive, it would stand to reason you would see a good performance hit. (The Mac Genius on the phone actually concurred with this thought, because I have had horrible perforamnce since upgrading and he insists even with the age of my machine, that should not be the case.) My hard drive is always active when even doing the most mundande tasks... this really takes me back to Windows using days.
So is anyone with this issues also seeing performance slow downs? Lots of spinning beach balls? Lots of hard disk running wild in the background for no reason?
If you take the time to manually add up the size of folders and such, it matches the storage bar you get in "about this mac" perfectly down to the last kilobite. No where on the hard drive is any indication of files stored elsewhere.
I'm willing to bet that as Lion saves your last user state, documents, etc. it has something to do with that. Like it's storing too much and then not dumping those temporary files later. Using something like Onyx or any other utility should dump those files, but even those apps can't flush it. Something is just stuck.
I will call support again, and if they give me anything useful worth sharing, I'll repost... but it seems as if no one has had any luck with this issues. Those who have all have seemed to have it return almost instantly.
The next OS update should actually be landing very soon... hopefully that will have a fix.