First of all 2thirthone, let's take a deep breath, no one here is telling you your an idiot, please return the favor.
Let's dig in, Photoshop and all other adobe products came up with pay update to cs5 called cs5.5 and with it Photoshop 5.1 which I did and PS AI FL and so on work in the blink of an eye.
That being said, tell us about what computer you're running. I've read that Lion suggest you have at least 4 gigs of RAM to run it smoothly. Of course putting your operating system and it's apps (Adobe CS5) on an SSD similar to how the macbookAirs are, will greatyly increase any wait time you expereince booting up the machine or starting any software.
So what are your tech spechs (RAM model identifier so on) what about PS are you expereince to be an issue, what version of PS do you have and do you have a clean install.
I had expereinced frustration the first time I installed lion because there was a driver conflicting with the whole OS. deleteing that driver made everything extremely snappy on my late 08 15" MBP 5,1 2.53gHz running on an SSD card in my expresscard slot(they got rid of these for SD card slot, which ***** if that's you but not the end of the world.