Thanks evrgreen69.
One way to illustrate our viewpoint is to first examine it ourselves. Email has become our conversation mechanism, one where old conversations worth storing can be retrieved.
This is important.
We can discuss something important at work, in our personal lives and these discussions from the past can be retrieved for whatever purpose they are needed for.
Email is our preferred form of communication and storage + retrieval of important conversations of the past.
It is a valuable personal and professional tool.
As emails are conversations, imagine you are discussing with other "friends" how best to proceed on a 6 month plan and why your viewpoint is a correct path and why they should know this. This happens at work all the time and in personal life when you do something like plan to build/buy a house and so on.
It is important to establish a discussion momentum and positive direction.
Now, imagine doing this while walking down a street in NYC with the other friends, and people are constantly butting in to your conversation and loudly trying to sell you fake Rolexes, garbage that you know is not anything you need and garbage that is obviously a complete scam. This interrupts your flow of what you are trying to accomplish, dents your meeting/discussion's momentum, is an invasion on your space and you have no control over making it stop. It's clearly illegal, it's clearly unethical, it's a PITA and it derails you from what you are trying to accomplish. People only do this because they can get away with it and not get caught. It's a blight upon the Internet and the humanity that uses it, as well as a huge tax on the infrastructure of the Internet by raising the cost of doing business.
Without the capability to bounce, every spam message comes with the message of "you are powerless to make this stop and you know we will keep sending these to you. No matter what you have achieved in life, you are powerless to stop us or make sure we are punished for our actions."
This is the unspoken message that a constant barrage of spam delivers to computer users.
Bounce - be it a correct or incorrect method - is the ONLY easily accessible option that I have seen that puts a smidgeon of control back in the hands of the users.
To offer it, to let us use, and then to take it away, insults the user, puts a big EFF EWE in their face as it removes any sense of control over the coarse intrusion that spam can play for people who rely on email.
If spam contains forged headers, there could be a bounce that routes the spam to a spam reporting database and doesn't bounce the email. If the headers are legit, a bounce feature could bounce and not report it as spam into a database. There are better ways to handle this that are better than removing the feature.
The big message here is that a vendor of our preferred OS gave us bounce for what, 10 years(?) and then removed it - and offered nothing as an alternative.
That's an insult to everyone who wanted some sort of control over their own in box. That's removing control and freedom from the user, and that's just a bad way to do business.