How do I show hidden files on Lion?
This OS is really frustrating me, first I can't use Front Row and now I can't figure out how to show hidden files. 😟
This OS is really frustrating me, first I can't use Front Row and now I can't figure out how to show hidden files. 😟
open terminal and write
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
and now relaunch finder by typing
killall Finder
Did'nt mean to post. Sorry. :-)
I did the following in Terminal to unhide ~/Library which some nice person posted somewhere. If you know your file name, this should work for any hidden file.
chflags nohidden ~/Library
Hi i know that one but for me i prefer to unhide file by there extension. Like my js and css file are hidden. I don't want to unhide all one by one. Does it have a way to do that by extension.
Download and use a free utility like TinkerTool:
I don't see this feature inside that software, it only have the show all hidden files. What i want is seeing some of them like my css js files which are hidden. I don't want to see all like .DS_Store. Finally i just want to develop web site and i believe that cs and js files are some of the most important, why hide them? But the solution can be to activate or deactivate by file extension which seem to be more natural if they want to hide some file like that and simpify the way to reactivate. Anyway they all ready do thing like open file base on they're extension.
After using the method posted by abhas, how do I rehide the folders?
The response was intended for the OP. It's more convenient tha using Terminal commands.
Tony T1 wrote:
Entering, "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE," followed by, "killall Finder" in Terminal, versus pressing a couple of buttons in TinkerTool, I think not. IMHO
Tony T1,
Oops, now I see what you were suggesting, "FALSE" in lieu of "TRUE" at the end of the Terminal line. Sorry, took it literally at first as a response to me instead of "stewartfromhere"
Lanny wrote:
Tony T1 wrote:
Entering, "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE," followed by, "killall Finder" in Terminal, versus pressing a couple of buttons in TinkerTool, I think not. IMHO
Can also use an applescript saved as an App:
set answer to the button returned of (display dialog ("Finder Hidden Files:") buttons {"Show", "Hide", "Cancel"} with icon caution default button 3 with title "Finder Hidden Files")
if answer is "Show" then
tell application "Finder" to quit
do shell script "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 1"
delay 2
tell application "Finder" to run
tell application "Finder" to quit
do shell script "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 0"
delay 2
tell application "Finder" to run
end if
Another AppleScript to toggle hidden files visibility (best saved as an app):
set visSet to (do shell script "defaults read AppleShowAllFiles") as integer as boolean
on error
set visSet to false-- default setting
end try
do shell script "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool " & (not visSet) as text
tell application "Finder" to quit
delay 1
do shell script "open /System/Library/CoreServices/"
To enable hidden files/folders in finder windows:
1 | defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES |
You should find you will now be able to see any hidden files or folders. One you are done, perform the steps above however, replace the terminal command in step 4 with:
1 | defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO |
To just see your Library Files -
Open Finder, click on "Go"... hold the Alt key down. Magically "Library" will appear in the list...
How do I show hidden files on Lion?