How do I show hidden files on Lion?
This OS is really frustrating me, first I can't use Front Row and now I can't figure out how to show hidden files. 😟
This OS is really frustrating me, first I can't use Front Row and now I can't figure out how to show hidden files. 😟
Remember the KISS principle.
Use the old GO command
The Go To Folder command, in the Finder’s Go menu (also accessible by pressing Shift+Command+G), is the way to access invisible folders.Type ~/Libraryand click Go
Bingo!! Simple solution!! Worked like a charm, you can also see hidden files on attached volumes! Very useful for backing up the Library folder.
billearl wrote:
Another AppleScript to toggle hidden files visibility (best saved as an app):
set visSet to (do shell script "defaults read AppleShowAllFiles") as integer as boolean
on error
set visSet to false-- default setting
end try
do shell script "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool " & (not visSet) as text
tell application "Finder" to quit
delay 1
do shell script "open /System/Library/CoreServices/"
this one is the best! Would rather diy something this simple than download one of the many scripts on the net.
@ all those dissing scripts and automator: It's a good skill to learn, too. A "3rd party app" is not "your only hope."
Lion Tweaks is a free easy to use utility that I have in my apps. It is in my Utilities Folder. Do a Google search. Very easy to use. It restores a few of the things that Lion took away.
This solved my problem. Thanks.
How do I show hidden files on Lion?