Since there seems to be some confusion in this thread, this reply is for those who are having trouble making their iMac,MacBook Pro, Macbook etc. go to sleep when idle.
I've noticed a number of people on here who have had their problem solved by disabling sharing or flushing their printer queue. I've also noticed others were able to find the problem using the PMSET command. This is good and should be the first steps taken when attempting to remedy this issue.
However, there are a substantial number of you who still have no solution. Moving forward from here, let's try to focus on these people and stop diluting the thread with proclamations of unprinted documents.
Before going forward, let me recap my hardware as well as the symptoms of the issue:
- Mid 2009 MacBook Pro
- OSX Lion (This was when the problem started)
- The display would sleep after the set time in energy preferences
- The disk would not sleep and the light on the front of the mac would not breathe.
After months of fresh installs, processes of elimination, a little luck, and some serious frustration, my problem was two-fold:
1. Better Touch Tool was one of the programs keeping my mac awake. I've spoken with the developer and this will be solved with an upcoming 0.741 release which is in alpha testing. I am having no problems using that version.
2. The other culprit was Spotlight. It was getting hung up on some personal files I had from an external drive. I don't know what files they were or why they were giving Spotlight a problem...yet. Simply preventing Spotlight from indexing my drives the traditional way was not enough. I had to use terminal to disable Spotlight completely.
The following commands are for OSX Lion:
sudo mdutil -a -i off
To turn it back on:
sudo mdutil -a -i on
One last thing, when testing idle sleep I had put my energy prefs on 1 minute. Even when set to 1 minute, it might take 5-10 minutes for the sleep image to be written to the Hard Disk as well as for the Hard Disk to fall asleep itself. Make sure you give it enough time.
Hope this helps some people!