For EVERYONE, and particularly for new visitors to this Discussion thread:
(and, everyone, feel free to add / differ with / correct / update what follows)
1) SNOW LEOPARD can be installed on the 2011 Mac Mini. It offers some particular challenges to folks who have the Server version, but it's possible for Snow Leopard to run (more or less) on every model of the 2011 Mini, at least so far as we know up to this point.
2) INSTALLING SNOW LEOPARD in place of Lion involves some complicated steps. Most anyone can do it, but you'll need access to some particular types of Snow Leopard "restore" disks and some Mac hardware to help you. The process was developed by John Fair, who has posted step-by-step instructions AND some updates and advice in earlier postings, here.
NOTE: we'll put up a SUMMARY OF INSTALLATION STEPS, here, in the next few hours for new visitors to this thread.
3) NOW THE BAD NEWS: Snow Leopard runs (currently!!) on the 2011 Minis at only about 30-40% of the speed that you'd expect considering the quite powerful hardware that comes with many of the 2011 Mini models. Some processes run even slower. Also, there are some hardware interface problems (external disk drives and some other peripherals don't run as expected, for instance, and there are various problems with cursors, etc.). These are due to problems with missing drivers in Snow Leopard and with "hook" code that's missing from the 2011 Minis. Some folks deal with these problems by running both Lion AND Snow Leopard, one each on two partitions, and bouncing back and forth.
4) But Snow Leopard DOES run, and for some users and some purposes, "slower" is plenty fast enough -- and much faster than not having Snow Leopard at all, expecially for people who need Rosetta to use legacy PowerPC software.
5) There is no explicit ban by Apple on running Snow Leopard on the Minis, no "poison pill" that's built in, but the 2011 Minis have new hardware and drivers that are built into OS X beginning with OSX 7 "Lion" and were NOT present in earlier versions, including Snow Leopard. That creates some problems, including the slowdown and various incompatibilities and inabilities to utilize some capabilities of all the spiffy powerful hardware. Remember, it has long been a rule that new Mac hardware will not run versions of OS software that preceded the hardware release -- so, we're seeking a minor miracle, here, and even the progress that has been achieved so far is a bit unexpected. (Actually, that "so far" progress is the source of much of the optimism that even more dramatic progress is possible!)
GOOD NEWS: Various folks are working on solving the Snow Leopard-on-2011-Mini problems. It's possible that modifications of some of the "hackintosh" approaches that have been developed to run OSX on non-Apple platforms in the past will allow the 2011 Minis to run Snow Leopard at a much better speed and will solve some or all of the driver / incompatibility problems. Results are still pending on this, but some bright coders are working on this and will post results here and at other online venues (including places like and We'll keep posting insights and results 'til we either get a breakthrough or it becomes clear that a breakthrough is unlikely or impossible.
One interesting possibility is to run a Snow Leopard "virtual machine" using one of the virtualization solutions that help run Windows on a Mac (and various other OS's, and even several instances of the same OS at the same time). If it works, that should be quite fast AND very capable, but so far it's not possible. Fast virtualization will require some extra RAM on your Mini, but 8 Gigs should be plenty enough for most purposes. Remember, this is just one proposed solution, and it hasn't been implemented yet.
REMEMBER: if the 10,000 views so far of this discussion thread are any indication, lots of people reeeeally want to be able to run Snow Leopard on their 2011 Minis, at least until Lion gains some more heft and capabilities. We recognize that a large chunk of the perceived OS X Lion "problem' is that various software developers haven't yet released new drivers for Lion -- or new versions of software that will allow a lot of legacy and recent software and hardware to run properly (or to function at all!) under OS X Lion. Personally, I like Lion, 'tho it requires some rethinking and re-learning of how to use a Mac and an acceptance that the new world of software and "cloud software" is going to be different from the old one.
Of course I, personally, would like to be able to use my existing high-end video and audio production equipment with my 2011 Mac Minis. Lion won't let me. And, I'd like to be able to run Rosetta with its full capabilities intact. So far, Lion won't let me, and Snow Leopard won't run quite well enough on the 2011 Mini. I want my kaka and eat it too, apparently, but I'm stubborn and I suspect that we'll soon be humming right along with Snow Leopard if the right coder (or company) gets interested in the problem and the project -- and makes the solution happen. I'm out of my depth on this one!
Dilemma = opportunity. Go get 'em, coders!!!
Hope this posting was mostly accurate -- and that it helps you.
Yes we can can! 😁 FREE THE SNOW LEOPARD 10,000 ! etc etc etc