VICTORY has been achieved in the Snow Leopard virtualization wars!!!
It has taken quite some time to get Apple to be reasonable about the virtualization of Snow Leopard (in spite of the fact that the Snow Leopard EULA does not prohibit its virtualization in Lion or Mt. Lion on a Mac).
I believe that my efforts to help everyday users be able to virtualize Snow Leopard client in Parallels (and others who extended this information to VMWare Fusion) finally convinced Apple to let down the barriers, and they chose to do so with this 95% reduction in price of Snow Leopard Server:
[click on image to enlarge]
My next project will be to develop instructions on how to "remove" the Server functions of Snow Leopard Server, so that it will be able to operate without the overhead needed by the "server" functionality and "look and feel" just like Snow Leopard client. I am waiting for my copy of SLS to arrive this week. 😎