Ok. Let's start it.
I have the same problem. MacBook Pro C2D + MacOS X 10.7.1 Lion + Adobe CS3 Web Premium Suite.
While installing updates 13.0.1 update for Illustrator fails, because bspatch is compiled against PPC only and Rosetta is not available anymore in Lion.
Adobe technican was right talking that bspatch is available as a part of OS X operating system. Go to system terminal, then type 'whereis bspatch'.
In my system it is in /usr/bin/bspatch .
So... If it is a part of OSX it is not possible that it is compiled against PPC. Tried to run. Works ok.
Then... if all Mac apps are directories with .app extensions I've downloaded 13.0.1 patch from Adobe (http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/thankyou.jsp?ftpID=3625&fileID=3436).
After openning DMG file you will find AdobePatcher.app. Inside this file you will find another copy of bspatch, but compiled by Adobe for PPC. It is here: AdobePatcher.app/Contents/Resources/PatcherApplication.app/Contents/Resources.
So to install patch you have to delete this file (Adobe version), and then create symbolic link agains Apple's version.
Here is step by step:
1) Open terminal (as user)
2) Type: whereis bspatch
3) Note the location of file (ie. /usr/bin/bspatch )
4) Create directory temp somewhere in your system
5) Download 13.0.1 (and next updates) from Adobe website
6) Mount DMG file
7) In terminal - go to your temp directory (ie. cd /Users/username/temp )
8) Copy AdobePatcher.app to the temp directory ( cp -R /Volumes/PatcherApplication/AdobePatcher.app . ) <-- dot at the end is _important_
9) Go to the Adobe's bspatch file location (cd AdobePatcher.app/Contents/Resources/PatcherApplication.app/Contents/Resources )
10) Delete bspatch file ( rm -f bspatch )
11) Create symbolic link to the OS X version ( ln -s /usr/bin/bspatch bspatch )
12) Type ls -l to list files. There should be one line looking like this: lrwxr-xr-x 1 sergio staff 16 21 sie 01:17 bspatch -> /usr/bin/bspatch )
13) Go back to Finder, enter your Temp directory and run AdobePatcher.app. Illustrator should update without any problems
14) Repeat those steps for all futher Illustrator updates
Hope this helps... you and Adobe to get it fixed ASAP.