Automount share as non ROOT or SYSTEM user!
The most annoying bug I've found yet!
I have two machines, an iMac and a Mac Book Pro.
The MBP was an upgrade from 10.6.8 to 10.7 the iMac was a full reinstall (erased the drive and booted off a flash installer I made for 10.7)
The MBP was previously configured (in 10.6x) to automount a few AFP shares from my local NAS. This had been working perfectly. After upgrading to lion, the entries in /etc/fstab were still there and the shares are still functioning fine.
I added the EXACT entries from the fstab file on the MBP to the fstab on the iMac. Now when the iMac boots the AFP shares are automounted by the system/root user and therefore are not accessible to any normal (admin) user on the iMac. No matter what I try I can't get it to automount those shares as a non system/root user. Clearly something changed with AFP configuration in Lion, yet the upgraded MBP still funcitons as it did before, so some new default automount / autofs setting has changed yet it wasn't touched in the upgrade. I'm wondering if anyone is aware of an AFP or Automount or autoFS setting I can try changing on the iMac to get this working?
To test things further, I changed the FSTYPE in fstab from afp to cifs just to test and it still mounts the shares as the root/system user. Yet if I use mount_afp or mount_smbfs it will obviously mount those shares as the user that is running the command, which is desirable. The only problem in doing this is if I disconnect from the network or the share drops it will not automatically reconnect and I'd have to run the command again.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), Extreme 2.8ghz 16GB RAM