Here is the rub with this problem that I can figure.....
After reading regarding the 7.7 unknown public movie atom in 7.7 while using Leopard with a G5....... they aren't going to address or fix this problem. Power PC is no longer supported and they didn't test QT 7.7 with Leopard and the older G5. It appears the QT files play the HD files in Snow Leopard that won't play with Leopard on the Power PC G5. So problem fixed as far as Mac is concerned. Snow Leopard plays these files with an intel machine. The fix with the older Power PC Mac's is to install your old OX system and upgrade everything except QT. I did this and fixed the problem on my G5, however compressor and DVD Pro problems arose, but I can bypass with toast. I purchased two Power PC G5 Mac's 8 months before they switched to intel. I have had a very hard time being a Mac fan since. They now concentrate on their revenue producing tablets, iphones, ipods etc. Mac used to be where the professional went to get a professional product and professional support. Not the case anymore. I can't ever find a tech or so called genius that can answer a real problem. I find I know far more than they do and their answer is always to look on the discussion forums. Mac used to have techs view these and answer to help ius poor saps out trying to get a video deadline etc.
I never thought I would say this but Mac has turned into Microsoft.....
It saddens me to no end, the professionals have no where to go now....
I have read reviews about FCPX and it is a glorified imovie product. Making it easier for the imovie, ipad user but cutting down many of the pro look and needs FCP was famous for.
Sorry for the rant and getting off subject, but spending 5 solid days trying to get HDV files to play that played for three years was beyond frustrating.
With Mac buy new stuff or risk not having it work together..........
I just want to punch a Mac QT developer in the face over and over and over....