How to Clear the Clipboard - A Finder Annoyance
Back in the old days the Macintosh Finder had a useful option to Clear the Clipboard that was useful and used. This option was dropped some time ago but there is still a need even with the new Lion 10.7.
I do a lot of copy and pasting from Safari and other apps to Apple's Mail and one of the annoying things in the 10.7 Finder is either the copy or paste command sometimes does not clear the clipboard. Then next time you try to copy something the previous item copied is pasted. This clipboard constipation is when the old Finder Clear Clipboard menu button would be handy.
I don't see Apple giving us back the Clear Clipboard in the Finder; however, I have a hold over Automator script from Snow Leopard 10.6 that works just as well in 10.7. All I have to do is pull down the File/Services Menu a select the option to Clear Clipboard. I can then copy the new item to the clipboard.
If you have experienced the same clipboard constipation and are into AppleScripts and Automator the script is
tell application "System Events" to set the clipboard to ""
return input
end run
Save the scrip and drop it in your User/Library/Services folder and like magic the Clear Clipboard option will be under your File/Services menu.
What I would like to see a Clear Clipboard tool added to the Mail toolbox; however, I can live with the Services/Clear Clipboard.
I hope this tip is useful.