how to delete duplicated songs all at one time?
I would like to get help deleting duplicated songs, I do not know how they got their in the first place.
Windows 7
I would like to get help deleting duplicated songs, I do not know how they got their in the first place.
Windows 7
Some how I got duplicates of my library on iTunes and to get rid of all the new duplicates I went to the library I looked for the date the new duplicate songs were added to the library then I went to columns and where you see Artist, song,
bit rate, time, etc and added 'date added' once that's done click on the box enclosing 'date added' and you will see all songs added by date. Proceed to the last one of the songs with that date press command to highlight it then scroll all the way to the first song and press 'shift' to highlight all of the songs added on that date then simply press delete.
you will be asked if you want to delete these songs...That's it.
Turn off the display of iTunes in the Cloud items (Edit > Preferences > Store) and/or repair permissions...
Do you get the same error as TomQA mentioned here: Re: how to delete duplicated songs all at one time?
Or something else? Can you test with a smaller group of tracks?
With Music selected under Library in the iTunes source list, at the iTunes menu bar go to File and select Display Duplicates. Select and delete the duplicates there.
Spotted a race condition error and have uploaded a new build which also catches track ratings. Working on the next phase.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll have a look into that and get back as soon as I can.
Great, thanks for that. I'll post a revision up later. I'm on my iPad rather than at a PC just now...
probably my lack of tecnical expertise, but when I hit delete I don't think the underlying file gets deleted?
Yes, it is Option on a Mac, but Shift on Windows. This thread is primarily concerned with deduping in Windows. 🙂
No I hadn't. Please see clarification.
Apple admins: Please remove my replies if this topic is meant to be closed.
one more try got me a new message again:
line: 1060
Char: 7
Error: The Interface is unknown
code: 800706B5
source: (null)
Just to confirm the latest version of the DeDuper script works fine under Windows 7 with UAC enabled.
I'm understanding that you are refering to the itunes folder within libraries>music. the folder that i have consolidated everything into.
all of my permissions are already on full control.
Excellent news. 🙂
Thank you. Happy to help. 🙂
how to delete duplicated songs all at one time?