There was an error saving iCal data.
Anybody know why I am constantly having this message when I try to delete an event?
iMac Intel i5 Quad Core, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
Anybody know why I am constantly having this message when I try to delete an event?
iMac Intel i5 Quad Core, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
Having the same problem. This is f***ing ridiculous.
I am having the same error and have been searching all over the internet and haven't found a solution. I am running Lion on a brand new macbook pro, and syncing my google calendar with my ical. Yet whenever I try to delete an event, it gives me this error: "There was an error saving ical data. iCal encountered a critical error while saving to the database, and recent changes may be lost. More information may be available in the console."
Two Trevors. Still having the same issues as we speak, it's so frustrating. A few years ago things seemed to work flawlessly with apple when I had a G4 iMAC now lots of stuff just wont work...I have exactly the same error message as you..
Same problem here. Using Lion on an Air. It syncs with mobileme. Maybe that has something to do with it.
Sorry - no advice; this just popped up for me after trying to troubleshoot loss of calendars (all) on my MacBook:
All fine in iCloud and all my shared/synced devices
The error message popped up instantly as I was trying to add a Calendar to my blank iCal screen . . .
There was an error saving iCal data.