Printing from a Macbook Air
Prepare for an amazingly stupid question.......
I have one of the new version Macbook Air's 13 inch version. I also got the 'free' HP printer that came with it whenIi purchased it.
I have now finally unpacked the printer, and downloaded the drivers from the HP website. I then went to plug the macbook to the printer to print..... But! I don't seem to have a cable that will connect the two devices! The only cables that came with the printer are the old style ethernet cables. The only cables that I can find that came with my macbook (other than the power cable) has a USB port on one end, and the wider ipod/ipad style fitting at the other (and indeed these cables may have been from my ipad rather than my macbook, and just happened to be in the drawer).
So, how do you connect a macbook air to a printer?? Do I need a cable with a USB connection on both ends? Should one have come with my macbook?