I got error message 4001 when trying to upload music to imatch
what can I do
what can I do
I don't know how you thought to try that, but you're a genius. It's working for me, too.
The option click fixed it for me too. I'm wondering if that clears out your old iTunes Match cache when you do this.
dumb question, but where exactly do you option-click?? the only button I see is the Start/Stop button under the iTunes Match window when I click on it in the side-bar
- In iTunes open the 'Store' menu bar item
- Hold down the 'Option' key and click 'Turn Off iTunes Match'
- Now reopen the 'Store' menu bar item and normal click 'Turn On iTunes Match'
You're set!
Option click worked for me.
Thanks everybody, I'm glad we can all start using this now!
That's seriously bizarre. Option key worked for me, too.
This is the one that worked for me!!! Thanks so much!!
I tried the option-click a few times and kept getting the error. I did the right click add to iCloud, and it worked!!!!
Thanks again!
In iTunes go to View > View options > check both iCloud boxes.(Download and Status) Worked for me.
Is there any work around for a windows computer? I've tried all above options and none seem to work
on the mac, option = alt. Maybe try holding alt. If that doesn't work, ctrl or windows key.
OK the "Options Click" solutions worked for me I can finally use my iPhone 4 with iTunes Match wow that was a hassle but thanks to this post it works!
Same here. Option + disabling Match didn't fix my 4001 issue, but right-clicking to upload an individual song did seem to get it jump-started.
Neither the option click or right click adding an individual song to the cloud work for me 😟 I actually beta tested and it worked now cant get past the 4001 error to save my life.
Sorry man. Right click and add to iCloud workd for me. I feel your pain.
I got error message 4001 when trying to upload music to imatch