The above got me oh so close, but I had to do more.
in recovery terminal, I had to dig through the to find an uninstall script. From that, I found all the rm statements. In /Applications, do the following find command to see the uninstall script - do not remove via "rm" any of the files yet - move then aside
find . -name uninstall* -print
I moved them aside with the same directory structure that I found them in, in a directories like
Then, I rebooted, but still had no joy - stuck at a PGPWDE boot loader error.
Going line by line in the script, I took these lines and did them by hand, pulling the required files from my moved aside files ... if they are deleted you are toast, cause I could not find them in the DMG. You could pull them from another machine's install if needed. The key to these lines are that it fixes the boot setup to not have PGP in the mix.
/bin/cp ./Applications/ /Library/Application\ Support/pgpcleanup
/bin/chmod a+x,u+s ./Library/Application\ Support/pgpcleanup
/bin/cp ./Applications/ /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.pgp.cleanup.plist
Then a rebot via safe mode and it came back up.
All the files referenced in the script:
ls -l /Library/Receipts/PGP\ Universal.pkg
ls -l /Library/Receipts/PGP\ Engine.pkg
ls -l /Library/Receipts/PGP.pkg
ls -l /Library/Receipts/PGP\ Desktop.pkg
ls -l /Library/Receipts/PGPwde.pkg
ls -l /Library/Frameworks/PGP.framework
ls -l /Library/Frameworks/PGPui.framework
ls -l /Library/Frameworks/PGPusp.framework
ls -l /Library/Frameworks/PGPwde.framework
ls -l /Library/Frameworks/PGPwdesdk.framework
ls -l /Library/Frameworks/PGPclient.framework
ls -l /Library/Frameworks/PGPproxy.framework
ls -l /usr/lib/libPGPdyndebug.dylib
ls -l /Library/Application\ Support/PGP/
ls -l /Library/Application\ Support/PGP/PGP
ls -l /Library/Application\ Support/PGP/
ls -l /Library/Application\ Support/PGP/pgpdivert
ls -l /Library/Application\ Support/PGP/PGP Random Seed.rnd
ls -l /Library/Application\ Support/PGP/machine.uuid
ls -l /Library/Application\ Support/PGP/.DS_Store
ls -l /Library/Application\ Support/PGP
ls -l /Library/StartupItems/PGPDesktopWatcher
ls -l /Library/Extensions/PGPdiskDriver.kext
ls -l /System/Library/Extensions/PGPwde.kext
ls -l /Library/Extensions/PGPnke.kext
ls -l /usr/local/bin/pgpdisk
ls -l /usr/local/bin/pgpwde
ls -l /Library/Contextual\ Menu\ Items/PGPcontext.plugin
ls -l /Library/Mail/Bundles/PGPmail.mailbundle
ls -l /Library/Mail/Bundles/PGPmailPanther.mailbundle
ls -l /Library/Mail/Bundles/PGPmailTiger.mailbundle
ls -l /Applications/PGP\
ls -l /Applications/PGP\
ls -l /Users/cgraham/Library/Preferences/PGP Universal Policies
ls -l /Users/cgraham/Library/Logs/PGP/PGPlog.xmm
ls -l /Users/cgraham/Library/Caches/PGP
ls -l /Users/cgraham/Library/Caches/PGP Engine
ls -l /usr/local/bin/pgpdisk
ls -l /System/Library/Extensions/IOStorageFamily.kext/Contents/Resources/pgpdisk.icns
ls -l /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.pgp.framework.PGPwde.plist
ls -l /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.pgp.framework.PGPwde
ls -l /var/run/com.pgp.framework.PGPwde.socket
ls -l /Applications/