iOS 5 iPhone update Ringtones won't sync
After the 10.5 update and the iOS5 update on my iPhone my ringtones won't sync! Anyone else have this issue?
iPhone 4
After the 10.5 update and the iOS5 update on my iPhone my ringtones won't sync! Anyone else have this issue?
iPhone 4
Ah ... just noticed I am posting in the iTunes for Mac section (I got here by way of google) so I'll go check in that section for help.
I have tried every single solution on this list. I even repurchased one of my tones, Transferred Purchase, sync'd and resync'd, and it still doesn't work.
I've spent hours on this stupid problem and am now giving up. Thanks, Apple.
Thank you so much for your steps and feedback. Issue resolved. 🙂
Didn't work for me either. I should not have updated it in the first place.
I did this...and it worked!! Thanks so much for your insight!! 🙂
thank you! worked just as you said!
i was having the same trouble with tv shows. i then realized that for me it was a very simple but stupid problem that apple should fix. one season of a show had the check marks marked off on it in the itunes section of tc shows (not in the device) and the other season i had previously unchecked all of the episodes. in the device section of my iphone i could check mark the episodes i wanted but they would not sync until i went back and placed check marks next to the tv shows in the itunes section. what a pain.
It seems that the problem I have has been mentioned right at the start of this topic but has then been ignored 😕
My iTunes is up-to-date, as is my iPhone etc etc.
In my iTunes there is no 'Tones' or 'Ringtones' tab!!!
So many of the answers refere to this tab but it isn't there! This would seem to be the first issue I need to resolve.
I have tried all other mentioned fixes - none of them have worked for me. Drag-and-drop doesn't happen. There is no check-boxes, greyed-out or otherwise, next to my tones. I can get the tones into the Library Tones folder but can't D&D them, nor do they show in the Device Tones folder after syncing or deleting & replacing & syncing.
Honestly, I have tried every method mentioned in this thread but none have worked.
Any ideas how I might get the Ringtone tab to show??
Its the iphone 4 because it did sync on my iphone 3! aghh this is so lame, i sync the same ringones that i tried to sync to the 4 and it didnt work. -___- iphone 3 is oldd and it can sync ringtones,!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iphone 4 cant!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIXXXXXXXXX -_____________-
Thank you for your reply.
In 'Preferences' I checked the Tones option which then gave me Tones on the left hand side list (in both Library and Device) but still not across the top tabs. Consequently there is no option in the drop down menu's that allows me to tick 'Sync Tones' or whatever should be there.
I managed to get a ringtone into the Libray Tones list but it wouldn't sync to my iPhone and nor could I drop & drag, copy & pasted etc etc.
As previously mentioned, I've been through the whole list of suggestions in this post but to o avail.
Hmm, what build of iTunes? What model and version of iOS? Are you syncing or manually managing the device?
iMac 24"
Mac OS X version 10.6.8
Processor 2.66 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Your software is up to date.
Software Update doesn’t have any new software for your computer at this time.
Hardware Overview:
Model Name: iMac
Model Identifier: iMac9,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2.66 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 6 MB
Memory: 4 GB
Bus Speed: 1.07 GHz
Boot ROM Version: IM91.008D.B08
SMC Version (system): 1.45f0
Serial Number (system): W8******0TG
Hardware UUID:
System Software Overview:
System Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549)
Kernel Version: Darwin 10.8.0
Boot Volume: Macintosh HD
Boot Mode: Normal
Computer Name: Martin iMac
User Name: Martin (Martin)
Secure Virtual Memory: Not Enabled
64-bit Kernel and Extensions: No
Time since boot: 17:50
iTunes 10 10.6.1 (40)
Your software is up to date.
Software Update doesn’t have any new software for your computer at this time.
iPhone 4S iOS5.1 Your software is up to date.
I have tried all options for syncing, both auto and manual.
<Personal Information Edited by Host>
Reboot the computer and reset the device. Is there still no Tones tab within the device options? If not try reinstalling iTunes.
PS Bad idea to post your full name & serial number / UUID. I've asked the hosts to do an edit but if you see this while you can still edit your post then do so.
Can't edit the post.
Reset the iPhone. Deleted iTunes from iMac - rebooted. Downloaded iTunes & installed. Rebooted. Connected iPhone - everything exactly same as before.
Still no Tones tab across the top. Tones folder in both Library and Device. No option anywhere to tick 'Sync Tones' etc.
As it happens, I'm on a bit of an 'Apple downer' at the mo. My iPad 3 is pathertically slow but evidnetl 'it's fine' according Apple. My iPhone 4S (part of a package deal) kicks the arse of the iPad speedwise etc. To top it all, my iMac has developed a black line right across it now - convieniently just out of warranty but Apple are quite happy to charge me more to fix it that I would need to spend on a really decent PC!!
Rant over - for now! 😠
iOS 5 iPhone update Ringtones won't sync