First, I gotta say that's an absolutely great choice of username!
If you just want a solution quickly, skim down until you reach the paragraph that starts with “SOLUTION:” to get up and running immediately.
Okay, onto the topic at hand. Like all of you, I've had problems with the 10.7.2 upgrade. To be honest, most of your getting off light. When my MacBook Air booted up after the install, my Magic Trackpad immediately began to cycle between connected and losing the connection. Of course, I did what anyone would do. I shut off the trackpad. To my great surprise, this immediately produced a kernel panic. Honestly, I didn't even bother to check the console log. I just booted up and give it another shot. I'm pretty sure you guys know what happened next. Since I had forgotten to switch off the trackpad before booting my MBA, it was one of those lather, rinse, repeat moments.
I learned my lesson. I turned off the trackpad and then booted my Mac. I also have access to a Logitech mouse as well as a mouse pad on my Logitech Bluetooth keyboard. None of these were experiencing any difficulties at all, to my even greater surprise. From this I determined that the problem exists somewhere in the Bluetooth stack that is native to OS X 10.7.2.
SOLUTION: The problem appears to be an incompatibility between mouse/trackpad setups and the new Bluetooth stack code that was implemented in OS X 10.7.2. To fix the problem:
- Go to System Preferences->Bluetooth.
- In the left-hand pane, click on the problem device.
- Click on the minus sign at the bottom of that pane.
- Verify that the problem device itself is switched off.
- Reboot your machine.
- Once your system has completely restarted, return to System Preferences->Bluetooth.
- Click the plus sign at the bottom of the left-hand pane and pair the problem device as if it had never been connected.
NOTE: During this process, you may receive errors that indicate that the device is already paired and other such nonsense. Dismiss any such error notices in any way you like and continue pairing the device.
You should now be up and running again. This worked for both my Magic Trackpad and my Magic Mouse. Everything continues to function normally after rebooting and entering/exiting sleep mode.
Message was edited by: Caltain to correct spelling.