Safari crashes on iPad after ios 5 update
Anyone elses Safari crash constantly after updating your iPad 1 to IOS 5? Try surfing Apple's own website. Thanks
Anyone elses Safari crash constantly after updating your iPad 1 to IOS 5? Try surfing Apple's own website. Thanks
Update - I have reloaded 5.1.1 from scratch and will try to remember to clear everything down and hard power off daily and see how it goes. That said, I got lobbed out of Safari not 30 mins in but only the once thus far. Better but still a pain in the backside to have to do all this when 4.3.3 was rock solid for vanilla browsing (which is al I want it for).......bah!
Once more I will re-iterate do not bother trying to downgrade UNLESS you have saved your blobs. It is just not possible.
Any recommendations for a more stable / lower memory footprint broswer than Safari?
From what I've found it is an ipad issue, not a browser issue.
That's what I've got a few hours ago after my post here yesterday evening: Dear ***** (gogega), Your post, "Re: Safari crashes on iPad after ios 5 update," was removed from the Apple Support Communities because it alludes to unlocking and/or jailbreaking, and violates Apple's End User License Agreement. As this article: mentions, these activities have been a source of instability and other issues. Please see the Apple Support Communities Use Agreement at for more information on the proper use of Apple Support Communities. Each Discussion user is required to agree to these terms before gaining posting privileges. You reserve the right to not post on Apple Support Communities should you disagree with these terms. If you would like to send feedback to Apple about a product, please use the appropriate selection at Best Regards, Apple Support Communities Staff @Apple Support Staff: Have you ever responded before to any of our questions and complaints? NO, NEVER! BUT CENSORSHIP WORKS INSTANTLY!!! is this how THINK DIFFERENT was meant by you? YOUR SERVICE IS A VIOLATION OF THE ENDUSER-RIGHT TO GET AN WORKING DEVICE! i reserve the right to not buy any Apple-Device again should you disagree with your duty to care about your customers!
i recommend you (and all the others here) to try the Puffin Browser, there is a free edition in the App Store. Sometimes also Puffin crashes right after starting, but after a second or (not often) third start this browser is insanely fast and reliable. Try it as long Apple doesn't force the developer to take out this browser or restrict it to iOS 6 users... You can never know...
Many thanks. I am trying the Browser you advocate. It looks good.
I have ipad 1 and managed to overcome those crashing problems years ago by using much advice from this and other Apple Forums. There are some fairly simple things one can do in fact, to have efficient email and web browsing and games.
I am now very wary of the Apple overseers! I know what can happen...
in fact some people may have copied your post before it was removed.
Fortnately I myself am happy with ipad 1, and have gone on to ipad 4 th generation and iPhone 4.
Good Luck!
In my case, it was an iOS WebKit JavaScript issue.
I bought an iPad 2 to test on our internal corporate web sites as I wanted to start replacing our laptops which had a high back end maintenance cost. The iPad worked great so I bought more and handed them out to my employees. That was two weeks before iOS 6 was released. Needless to say, our iPads worked two weeks. Every one of them crashed at login on our web sites following the iOS 6 update.
We (my developers) opened tickets, went through Apple's business account managers, etc... to no avail. We were ultimately told that iOS 6 dropped support of some W3C compliant JavaScript functions and we would need to redesign our corporate web apps to be iOS 6 compliant (although they couldn't tell us what JavaScript functions they dropped despite many requests for the information). Since our web apps are built around AJAX, a redesign was not an option.
I solved the problem by going back to using laptops with SSHD and cellular modems and writing off the iPads as an expensive failed experiment. I have no plans to test the newer iPads as there's no reason for me to believe that they won't be rendered useless by Apple shortly after purchase.
Works like a charm (Puffin Browser). I was just getting ready to throw out my iPad 1, but since installing Puffin, everything is working just fine again.
(Though I will never buy another iPad)
Giving it a try. Though a bit worried it crashed on initial startup, when I was just clearing out the default url. Usual low memory crash. Though certainly can not be worse than safari. (free version).
Puffin Browser works like a charm! I have to admit that everytime I opened Safari Browser, I would quake at the knees, knowing it will be the usual battle of dropping out. On some sites this happens a lot (Facebook), but on others, it never would... ex... , or , or
This leads me to believe that rather than a browser only memory problem, it is MORE of the way in which the site is programmed.
Facebook is guaranteed to ALWAYS crash, especially when loading longer posts, in Safari. I have tried Chrome, and although less buggy, still got the tablet to crash. Moved to Opera, which was okay, but definitely a phone browser...
I considered going back to 4.2 (there are ways and means), but the advantages of the cloud are simply too much to ignore, although I mainly use my ipad for reading and browsing.
Then I found Puffin, which is absolutely brilliant. It only took me five minutes of using the LITE version before I uninstalled it and purchased the full version.
It seems, to me, that even the keyboard entry system has been re-designed on purpose as it is so so fast, never skipping a beat or stuttering keys.
The speed in which a page loads is nothing short of amazing, although it sometimes has issues with 'static bars'...
When I load it first time it ALWAYS crashes out, but on second launch, it will keep humming along very nicely.
While many bemoan Apple's silent stand, it is fair to say that the ipad1 was launched early 2010... three years... That is an eternity in electronics, We must simply accept that the device is more than usable in many situations, and still functions properly...
To me, it is still the indispensable tool I purchased three years ago... It is in use practically daily!
As I had already written, Puffin sometimes crashes right after start, sometimes 2-3 times, but then it works. In my opinion, the iPad with iOS 5.x has difficulties to free memory for other programs, so it crashes sometimes at the start. Also Puffin must first establish a connection to the server. For some sites I still use Safari, where I know Safari does it. However, for the most websites I use Puffin and I'm happy with it. Try this german news-site with Safari as a proof: www(dot)spiegel(dot)de, Safari on my iPad either crashs on loading this site or if I try do resize an article. Have a good surfin'!
@ Hank LV: I am also of the opinion that maybe a faulty Java-Script-Engine in conjunction with poor memory-management in iOS 5.x, very limited RAM and/or faulty SoC/Memory-Commands, short: a mix of soft- and hardware-causes are responsible for our iPads to crash so often. We'll never know, it's only my feeling imho ... you can also visit for additional advice...
Sorry, missed that. Thanks.
Safari crashes on iPad after ios 5 update