The tech guy who helped me was David R. He works out of Portland, OR. Perhaps your Apple genius or YOUR tech person can access what David figured out. I'm looking at the files I copied out of my Moble Documents folder (I put a copy on my desktop) and no, there aren't any with .xml as any part of them. I still think this can be done. I've been racking my brain about all the steps, and I can't remember all of them.
I do remember that we began by right-clicking on each folder, and then chose Compress.
Then, I think, we pulled up the info for each of the compressed files (click once on the compressed file to select it, hold down the command key and type the letter i) , and in that window we changed or added the suffix to ".numbers-tef". Type 'return' to finish the name-change.
Here's where my memory is faulty. Another user in another thread shows this:
gvde wrote:
I have managed to get my Numbers documents back:
1. I have copied the documents folder in "~/Library/Mobile Documents.delete.Sat Oct 15 09:01:32 2011/com~apple~Numbers/Documents" to "~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Numbers/Documents".
AGAIN: MAKE A COPY! Don't move the folder in case it doesn't work. Maybe even make a second copy fo the whole ".delete" folder to have a backup copy available!
2. I have renamed each document folder, removing the ending "-tef", e.g. renamed "My First Document.numbers-tef" to "My First Document.numbers". This makes the document appear in iCloud shortly afterwards. You can't open it as it is considered a document created by the Mac Numbers application.
3. I have renamed each document folder back, i.e. "My First Document.numbers" to "My First Document.numbers-tef"
4. Now iCloud seems to sync it up again and recognizes it. It reappers on my iPad and I can open it.
5. I did this for each of my 9 documents. If you have more, you may want to use a little script.
6. To get the previews back I have also copied the contents of "~/Library/Mobile Documents.delete.Sat Oct 15 09:01:32 2011/com~apple~Numbers/iWorkPreviews" to "~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Numbers/iWorkPreviews"
Now everything seems to be O.K. Documents are back. They show up on, iPad and iPhone. I haven't done anything with Numbers the last two days thus at least for me: no loss.
I remember, I think, that after we did the name change, we dragged the tiny icon off of the top of the Info window to the iWork page on Safari. THEN we were able to properly download the file from there to the Mac as well as to the iPad. I would download to your Mac, and keep iCloud disconnected from your iPad iWorks docs, and use iTunes to transfer these back and forth.
If you keep your iPad disconnected from iCloud, and make sure you work with a copy of your Mobile Documents folder, then you can't muck it up worse than it is already.
I 'hear' your complaints about Apple products. The quality has dropped off in the last 6 months. Steve is out of the picture.
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