I was told to test with another new SIM card. But my SIM card is new SIM card & the OCNA already happen since I installed into my new 4S. So I don't think is SIM card faults. I would wait for releasing of IOS 5.1 rather than replace a new SIM card.
But this morning when i switched on my 4S, the OCNA happened again. After checking all the Setting, I found my 4S can't identify the "on/off" for SIM PIN. It's like keep on searching to indicate whether is "on" or "off" for SIM PIN. The SIM Application also can't be accessed. So that's means hardware / software / firmware can't connect with SIM card!! Hence, I suspect that the OCNA come from this.
I tried restart & force restart but didn't work. So at last, i tried to reset all setting & start as a new iphone then finally back to normal. But i think OCNA will still happen again in future!!
I always switch off my 4S when sleeping time & on it again when I wake up with sim pin "on" to lock my 4s. So, I will try to "off" my sim pin tonight & every nights but on the Siri & see how.
Do anybody try this before or experience this before??
Anyway, Apple, please solve the problem for us as soon as possible with no thanks!!