iPhone 4 Calculator Bug : when dividing 225 by 15, it produces an answer of 1
My wife's iPhone 4 does the same thing. I have the latest OS update. She is one behind. Anyone else have this issue? Any fix offered?
iPhone 4, iOS 5
My wife's iPhone 4 does the same thing. I have the latest OS update. She is one behind. Anyone else have this issue? Any fix offered?
iPhone 4, iOS 5
I have to be honest. When I read your post I thought "there is no way this is true." Well I tried it on my iPhone 4 with iOS 5 and indeed you are correct. For me, when I hit the equal sign it doesn't do anything, but the second time I hit equals it returns an answer of 1. This has to be some type of bug. Who does Apple think they are messing up my calculator and actually assuming I will strain my brain to think about this...only kidding, but a bug none the less.
I'm not convinced it is a bug. 225/15=15. if I enter 225, then press the "divide by" symbol, enter 15, then hit equal, I get 15. If you hit "equals" again, you are dividing 15 by 15 which is 1. Hit equals a third time and you'll get 0.06666667 (which is 1 divided by 15).
That's the way my iOS calculator behaves, and I think it is just the repetitive action function that calculator has alwasy had. If you enter 15, then press the "multiply by" symbol, and enter 15 again, then press "equals" you get 225, and as you repeatedly hit "equals" you will mulitply the displayed number by 15 again and again.
It does it because hitting the "=" button again makes it dividing 15 by 15...which is "1".
Try this for example:
(">" means hitting "=" again)
300 / 10 = 30 > = 10 > = 3 > = 0,3 and so on.
Doesn't sound like a bug to me. it sounds like correct math!
225 / 15 = 15
It's displaying the answer, it just doesn't look like it, because there's no indication it's displaying the answer instead of the last entry in the problem.
When you hit = again, it assumes you mean:
The current answer (which happens to be 15) / 15, which equals 1
I just realized that fact and am a victim of other calculators and their reassuring half-second blank out before displaying that answer. I am so used to that as a sign that the calculator has or at least tried to perform the function.
Appreciate the feedback. A co-worker seemingly remedied this problem on my phone by pushing the "C" button 10+ times. I now receive the correct answer of 15 after hitting the "=" button one time. Pushing the "C" button 2-3 times as I was doing after each test, was evidently not enough to fully reset. Clearly something is/was amiss in my phone.
hahaha I was having this same 'issue', and it was completely baffling me. In fact, I not only continued to try it on my iPhone 4, but also on my imac calculater which was producing the same 'bug'. How silly, it had never even occured to me...thank you for clearing it up.
I know you don't have to tell me. I came across with it searching for sth else. Mind your own business. And it was not a bug from the beginning of IPhones, If you want to say that it has been solved since then.
Did you read the entire thread? If you divide 22,550 by 150, the answer is 150. If you then hit the equal button again, it will divide 150 by 150, which equals one. So, the answer is not to tap "=" twice.
I ran into a similar problem when I was trying to subtract 90 from 180. I'd hit the equal sign button and it would just say 90. So I'd hit it again and it would say zero. And I was like WHAT?! I went nuts, restarted my phone, thinking it must be a bug. Then I really sat there for a minute and was like wait. 180-90=90. So of course it's going to keep saying 90. Because the answer is 90. I feel so dumb right now. Had to share.
Not only IPhone 4, my IPhone 3GS (iOS 5) has the same bug.. or is it a hidden feature?
You must be joking right? 225/15 = 15
15/15 = 1
No problems here
so its the hidden feature...:-)
On my iPhone 4 and my wife's iPhone 3GS, both with iOS 5.0:
225 / 15 = 15
That's because normal calcultors don't have an A4-processor 😉
iPhone 4 Calculator Bug : when dividing 225 by 15, it produces an answer of 1