Ok, I must be really thick here, where is synchronisation in System preferences?
I go in to System prefs > iCloud > which then shows everything from "email" to "find my mac" ticked.
I untick "Calendars and reminders" (i get a warning that this will delete from my Mac) > ok.
I then log in to icloud which shows me a calendar icon with an empty calendar.
I go back to Systen preferences> iCloud> retick the box I unticked. I get a timer saying "setting up".
But after all this everything is still the same. My iCal works fine, synchs with my iPhone fine, but the calendar in icloud is still blank. Interestingly if I enter an appointment in the empty Icloud calendar, it immediately appears in my Ical on the Mac and on the Iphone. But still can't get all my current data in Ical/iphone i.e. appointments , birthdays into Icloud.
Just don't see a merge / synch option??
Help please?