I clicked to stop receiving these yet I still did. I will be sure to check and make sure this subscription stays off after responding.
I actually like apple but challenging your constant attempts to spin everything as not a bug, for the greater good, etc. makes me want to bring up other bugs and annoyances or things that need fixing to help get your head out of the clouds, and makes me seem less happy with apple than I am which is why talking to you is an exercise in frustration I don't need.
For your info:
1. Being able to select and synch iTunes U playlists but having those playlists not show up anywhere on the phone if you have match on is a BUG unless they're just trying to make it look like it doesn't work.
2. Overwriting your music with "clean-edited" versions so you can no longer access your true music with iTunes Match enabled is a BUG, especially when your track is tagged explicit and don't have parental controls on, unless they mean to nanny you and take access to your own music away.
3. Having certain tracks stuck forever in the cloud and not being able to get specific tracks on your device anymore without deleting from the cloud and starting all over is a bug.
You yammer on and on about how apple doesn't give options because they want it simple, yet giving no options and forcing users to delete, reset, wait over and over till it finally goes through is way more complicated and frustrating than a simple option to manually synch a playlist from your own library to your own device. You pretend it would be such a complicated endevour when such a simple option is just a choice they make, not because its so complicated or unimaginable technical obstacles...
You twist my words like I actually want apple to load stuff to their cloud they don't want to.
I'm just expressing that it makes iTunes match seem limited and people look like suckers when it takes away such simple options over your own device or library, and doesn't actually "just work" in lots of cases, where a little user control would resolve so much.
Itunes match is fantastic for lots of things, but getting you to stop rationalizing or twist what i was asking actually makes me more annoyed with apple trying to get you to understand.
Yes, you just gave people an option why they should just accept they wasted 25$, quit complaining about its bugs and self-imposed limitations, and shell out another $100 on top, instead of requesting such a simple option like manually synching a playlist from your computer you already designated to synch other stuff with, like you could before paying the extra 25$. Yay. Good luck.