Why can't I download Xcode 4.2 for Snow Leopard?
Hi there,
I login to Apple Developer and click Download Xcode 4.2 (Snow Leopard) but I'm just presented with an Access Denied page... Do you know why this happens?
Best Regards,
Hi there,
I login to Apple Developer and click Download Xcode 4.2 (Snow Leopard) but I'm just presented with an Access Denied page... Do you know why this happens?
Best Regards,
I'm sorry - I forgot to mention that I have purchased the iOS developer package, so I should be able to download XCode from the dev center, right?
Best Regards,
Have you tried the app store? I got it from there.
Hi Ralph,
Thank you for your reply. I didn't find it in the app store. I can only find the version for Lion, not Snow Leopard. Do you have Snow Leopard?
OK, I have Lion so that may be why I found it there. Did you do a search in the app store just to be sure it isn't hidden some where? The app store can be hard to find things since it has grown so large.
Surprised it is not available on the developer side, though.
Have you tried posting on that forum to see if anyone there can help?
Hi again
Yes, I have tried to browse through the app store and I cannot find it.
Which forum should I post the question in?
If you are a registered developer, there is an icon on the left panel listing of Apple products, pretty well all the way at the bottom for developers. Try and see if that will take you to that forum and if you can post.
I'll do that :-) Thank you.
Yeah, its tricky. I got few days back but was unable to get to the same download page later. I have it here let me know if you still need that.
Just went over there and looked, this thread is already posted over there...one of us must have triggered that forum to take the posting. Let's see if someone else responds from that side.
Thank you very much :-)
I just checked it again and here's what I've done:
1) Browse to developer.apple.com
2) Choose iOS Dev Center
3) Log In
4) Go down to the Downloads Section on http://developer.apple.com/devcenter/ios/index.action and click on Xcode 4.2 for Snow Leopard download link.
5) The link is download.apple.com//Developer_Tools/xcode_4.2_with_ios_5_sdk/xcode_4.2_and_ios_ 5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.dmg but instead of downloading the file, I'm presented with an Access Denied page:
Access Denied
If you need assistance, please contact the ADC Support Team.
If you feel you received this message in error, please reference this code when contacting the ADC Support Team: P1
Hi alibao,
Did you find it in the iOS Dev Center?
Can't really remember how and where I got it. As I said it was bit tricky and I was unable to get it again.
Here is what I got:
Name: xcode_3.2.6_and_ios_sdk_4.3.dmg
Size: 4.44 GB
Ok :-) I have Xcode 3 already, but I would very much like to get Xcode 4.2 for Snow Leopard.
Hi Jens,
I have the same problem. Did you find a solution?
Best Regards,
Same problem here.
Why can't I download Xcode 4.2 for Snow Leopard?