I received a spam e-mail from a person with a yahoo account with the subject titled, "Are your parents English?" he asked her, one morning," and the message was also "cc" to a bunch of accounts all having the begninning parts of my e-mail address. Anyone had one of these yet?
I am not connected to Linkedin. I'm not on Facebook, don't use ichat, and I don't use this e-mail as often as I do G-mail yet, I've been receiving the same spams as others since the very beginning of this discussion group. Yesterday, I started recieving Habbo Hotel as well. I'm also receiving spam from Montblanc.com.
MadMacsO--you mentioned SpamCop? Is that a way to stop this from happening? Or, should I click on the messages (without opening anything) to move them from my junk folder into the trash folder?
I wonder if I just leave spam in my junk folder unopened will Apple see the spam and be able to stop it from their end?
P.S. This is all happening on my .mac account.
Thanks everyone.