AirPort Utility 5.6 vs. 6.0
Could someone explain the differences between the 2 different versions of the Airport Utility updates for Lion posted today on Apple's support website? Version 5.6 can be found here and version 6.0 can be found here. The descriptions are quite different and my Software Update app shows only v.6.0. When I first manually installed the dmg for v.5.6 (to keep the versions in incremental order), it installed it besides my previous AirPort Utility (v.5.5.3) and named it 'AirPort Utility 5.6', quite an unusual behaviour for a Mac OS X component. Then, when I updated via Software Update, as expected, the 6.0 updated the 5.5.3 but the 5.6 remains next to it.
Does the 6.0 includes all the bug fixes of the 5.6 and can I put 5.6 in the trash without any problem? I did not update my AirPort Extreme and Express firmwares to v.7.6.1 yet as I am confused with the Airport Utility separate updates.