Adding a Soundfont to my Logic Studio instruments folder.
I've just tried to add a purchased Soundfont instrument (Celtic Winds Tin Whistle) to Logic Studio. Instructions indicate that i need to add it to the sampler instruments folder (done) and then "chose the Soundfont2 file in the EXS24 mk11 Sampler Instruments pop-up menu. The EXS24 automatically converts the chosen file into an EXS sampler instrument."
Where do I find this EXS24 pop-up menu? I can't find in any of the documentation how you bring this sampler up to get at the pop-up menu. Or is there another way I should be doing this?
And-Does the Soundfont instrument I purchased work in Logic or must it be Soundfont2?
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Logic Studio, Mac OS X (10.6.8)