why would "Im A Braniac" be hard to crack as a password?
The benefit of "Im a Brainiac" over "1mAbrainiac" is that the first one is is easy to remember, longer, while still having 2 symbol characters.
It was mentioned earlier but I encourage you to visit GRC's How Big Is Your Haystack and use the calculator to determine the difficulty of any given password.
Note: The site has a disclaimer saying the calculator doesn't determine "password strength" - but the practical effect is that it is helpful as long as you don't use a commonly selected word like 123456, etc for your password.
Back to your question; an Apple approved password like "1mAbrainiac" certainly is a strong password (GRC shows it would take 16 million centuries to crack it assuming one thousand guesses per second) but my problem is that such passwords are not easily memorized by the user so they have to be documented elsewhere.
What is interesting is that "Im A Brainiac", a much easier password to remember, would take 4 TRILLION centuries to crack (assuming one thousand guesses per second). Adding just two more characters (in this case, spaces) makes it just that more difficult to crack.
Real world, pronouncible password choices are only really an issue if you are using a single common dictionary word that can be guessed through a lookup table. But as soon as you make it into a phrase, especially a non-guessable or longer phrase, then that method no longer works. Instead, the hacker has to use brute force tactics instead.
Bottom line, the ONLY way to make passwords secure AND user-memorizable is for companies like Apple to allow users to choose a passPHRASE.
Apple could have just 2 rules:
Your password must be:
1. at least 15 characters long
2. contain at least 2 non-consecutive spaces or symbols
I could choose something that conforms to Apple's current password requirements, run them through GRC's calculator and find that the unmemorizable password that Apple forced me to choose is an order of magnitude easier to crack:
"Monkey12" conforms to Apple's requirements and would take 70.56 centuries to guess.
Meanwhile, I'd like to be able use a passphrase like:
"password monkey" (15 characters). GRC calculates would take 1 hundred trillion centuries to crack that one!