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The New iPad will not sync all photo's

I picked up the new iPad yesterday at the Apple store and am having a problem getting it to sync all of my photo library.

Im using iTunes on Windows 7 to sync the "My Pictures" folder to the iPad.

It will sync some but not all of the folders in the "My Pictures". I have deleted the "iPod Photo Cache" folder, that did not help.

I have 2 iPhones and 2 older iPad 1's which sync the photo's just fine.

iPad (3rd generation) Wi-Fi + 4G (VZ), iOS 5.1

Posted on Mar 17, 2012 8:41 AM

501 replies

Nov 8, 2012 12:05 PM in response to thedrunkenmaster

How do I sync one folder at a time? Having synced folder 1, I then have to tick the boxes for folders 1 & 2 and it resyncs folder 1 as well as adding folder 2. In this case it changes the order of the images in folder 1 which were correct in the first sync. If I don't tick the box for folder 1 but just folder 2 the rotten thing deletes folder 1.

Oh for drag and drop!!!

Sorry folks, I said I had bowed out.

Sgadan Ruadh

Nov 8, 2012 12:28 PM in response to Sgadan Ruadh

Very interesting question. How can you sync one folder and then the next and the next.

Normally when you do that in iTunes, the unchecked folder is deleted, which is normal and should be working like this.

I never had issues with photo syncing and I have started with iPhone Classic with Windows XP.

Now, please tell me your trick to sync one after another.


Thank you


Nov 9, 2012 4:54 AM in response to PeterOFre

Hello again Peter,

I sync all the folders at one go and it works for me. Then, if I want to add images to a folder I clean out everything and do a new sync. As long as I don't (or the rotten machine does not) re-sync, all the images stay in the correct alpha/numeric file name seqence. If my iPad gets a whiff of a possibility of re-syncing, it jumps at it and changes the image order, deletes some images and duplicates others. 😠

I have a Windows desk top running the XP SP3 platform and a laptop running Windows 7.

On this thread, there is a mutitude of people with problems but the problems are different, they are trying to do different things with different gadgets so what works with one person may not be right for another. One thing however, Apple have screwed up big time and seem reluctant to do anything about it.

I wish they would stop sending me advertisements for their new products until they get this one sorted. I aint buying anyway!

Best wishes,

Sgadan Ruadh

Feb 14, 2013 12:10 AM in response to MMeador

There are 32 pages that I cannot bother going through, and this has fixed it for me with my iPad 3 with the problem of not getting all my photos coming through.

You will lose your faces off the iTunes but you can retick them afterwards

Using MacBook Pro and iPad 3 these are the steps we did with Apple Support

1. Removed all photos from the sync.

2. Turned off photo stream (may not be necessary) under General, iCloud at the bottom of the screen

3. Ensured ALL photos were off the device through General, Usage.

4. At some point we reset the device.

5. Turn off aperture and iphoto and itunes

6. Remove folder Go, Home, Pictures, iPod photo cache.

7. Restarted the computer

8. resync (the folder has returned)

What was interesting to me was that usage data indicated that mybe not all the photos were being removed before the sync.

On my device the issue appears to be the cache not clearing properly. I sync in iTunes using the Aperture library



Message was edited by: MAFAv8r

Feb 14, 2013 12:37 AM in response to MAFAv8r

What interests me is the amount of GB taken up with the photos since I have done this has increased markedly. It makes me wonder whether those others that have this problem are the same as me, they have upgraded from another iPad. Ie the cache is stuck on a previous low resolution version for iPad 1&2. It seems I can zoom in more than I could previously.

Apr 19, 2013 9:58 AM in response to Karpatchev

This question is for Karpetchev or anyone who has an opinion. Even though the "synching photo problem" is a known issue with Apple, it seems so many people have had problems since March. Is it possible the the engineering team behind the ipad3, had a limited lifetime expectancy for the device? I mean was the ipad3 intended to last longer than 2-3 years? Is this a way for Apple to keep selling new products? Keep in mind that Apple has been able to increase their tech with little change to the price of their products. Maybe we are all entering the beginning of a deterioration phase for the ipad3. Or maybe certain components of the ipad3 were overlooked. Please let me know your opinions. Any input is appreciated.

Apr 19, 2013 12:28 PM in response to Bellipax

I am Electronic Engineer and 60 years old. And I am not working for Apple.

There is no real syncing problem, there are just different opinions how syncing should happen.

If you want to "view only" your Aperture or iPhoto Library then you can do the simple iTunes Sync.

Meanwhile I using the iTunes Free version and sync from Aperture to Flickr.

Then I can view , upload, download and manage these pictures wit iOS or Android or Windows or ....

Very flexible and there are great apps like Flickring or StackrCloud.

And coming back to your main question:

I do not think that Apple is limiting the iPad3. I own the iPad2 and the iPad3.

Jun 5, 2013 10:41 AM in response to MMeador

For years I've been meticulous managing my photos in iPhoto. All 17,000+ are named and in Albums, arranged alphabetically and it works beautifully. I have a nearly 4-year-old iPhone 3Gs, and iPhoto syncs perfectly to it at each sync, updating Albums etc. (albeit Albums do not show up on the iPhone in alpha order, but I have learned to live with that. The sync to iPhoto is otherwise always perfect.)

SO I finally buy a new iPad, thinking I can now annoy my friends with photos in glorious Retina beauty. Not. I've now done 6 syncs, each a couple hours and requiring deletion between each, tried syncing all, tried syncing just individual albums, deleted the "iPod Photo cache" between each. No luck. Each time it is different -- sometimes some photos show up as blank, then next sync they are intact, sometimes entire Albums are ignored, other times Albums don't contain recently added photos... there seems to be neither rhyme nor reason as to what doesn't make the jump.

I have yet to call Apple Support, but after reading all this on-line I am not encouraged. I am hugely disappointed, as my photos are why I really wanted an iPad.

Jun 5, 2013 12:34 PM in response to MMeador

Hello JStolly. Welcome to the Club of fed up Ipad 3 photographers. I bought the Ipad for the Retina screen too and am hugely disappointed with being unable to put the images into the Ipad in the sequential file alpha-numeric order I store and index them. The process Apple uses is "Randomise the order then delete some and duplicate others".

Just a word of advice: don't waste your time calling Apple Support, they will tell you the same as all the other members of the Club: "We never heard of this problem before and we will look into it for you". One of the more knowledgable chaps there told me that if I go back to IOS 2 it should work!!!

Regards and sorry for your trouble. Sgadan Ruadh.

Jun 5, 2013 3:12 PM in response to JStolly

Hi JStolly,

It surprise me that you have issues with iPhoto Sync, because it was always working starting from iPhone Classic, iPhone4, 5, iPad 2 and 3.

The sorting is a different Story because Apple has changed that over the years from alpha to be

sorted by the date the camera is writing it in the picture.

In iPhoto you can control that, just sort it there. That is valid for the sorting of the albums. Sort it in iPhoto and you have it on the iPad.

Have tried to sync all 17000 pictures ? How many GB do you have?

If you want to try an App where you can sort by Alpha, then try PhotoMfgPro together with FTP client Cyperduck,

but that is not a good advise for an iPhoto user.

If you wonder if Samsung is doing better, then I can tell you, that I have a Samsung Tablet 2 as well and it is not better.

I would do some tests with just a few albums and then see what happen.

Jun 5, 2013 3:32 PM in response to PeterOFre

As I said, syncing with iPhoto has worked perfectly with my 32GB iPhone 3Gs, for going on 4 years now. So I expected it to do the same with a new iPad (32GB also; and I know the photos will eat up a larger percentage of free space than they do on iPhone since they are optimized for iPad -- and it tells me, even when I do a sync to all albums and events that there will be 7GB left). The issue is that it randomly leaves different Albums and individual photos behind. That's what so many are complaining about.

Jun 5, 2013 4:12 PM in response to JStolly

Some minutes ago I have tested the sync with 1000 new pictures and thought I have suddenly your issue as well.

I was missing 3 albums, but I discovered, that these "albums" are "events" and displayed there.

The sorting of the albums is working as described, sort it in iPhoto and it will be re-sorted on the iPad.

The sorting of the pictures is not changed, but I have synched with Aperture.

Now I will remove all my pictures and sync new with iPhoto and tell you the result.

The New iPad will not sync all photo's

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