iPad 3rd gen photos won't sync
Problem if I try to sync photos to my iPad 3 64gb 4G. If I select some or all of my 7300 photos, iTunes either converts a few (9 to 15 pics) syncs them and skips the rest or skips them all entirely , the ones that do sync look stunning on the retina screen though.
I never had this issue with my old iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and my current 4S or my iPad 1 & 2.
I also tried deleting the photo cache multiple times, restoring the iPad 3 from an iCloud backup as well as a slightly older backup through iTunes, I even reinstalled the old iTunes 10.5 and I still had the same photo sync issue.
Yet my iPhone 4S 64gb is syncing my photos through iTunes via a cable & WiFi just fine.
I even tried copying all 7300 photos to an external drive and syncing them from there, hoping a completely different location may work. Managed 150 odd shots before skipping the rest, this problem is completely random.
Out of those shots a few were the wrong image, the thumbnail image was right but when opened full the image was from a completely different folder
I even tried this morning setting my iPad 3 up as a new device instead of restoring from iTunes or iCloud, synced only my photos and nothing else but I had the same issue so this is definitely a bug somewhere, I suspect iTunes.
Again, same photos and I have no issue syncing 7300 shots to my iPhone 4S.
Everything else syncs to the iPad 3 just fine and runs perfectly.
Self Built, Windows 7, iPhone 4 32gb