windows migration assistant troubleshooting
I've done this several times so I do not know where to look
Windows 7/laptop user wants to move iTunes(16GB), photos, 3 email accounts in Outlook. Documents optional
Mac MBP was received and activated. She worked with the interface and options but just to get comfortable with things. No data moved.
Today we fetched the Windows Migration Assistant, fired it up and connected via Ethernet to the same network.
Get the confirmation code ID.
On continue the user ID's (3 on the Win7 laptop) are recognized but there is no content in the sense data values read "0 KB"
Nothing transferred/nothing works.
Where else?
Also looking for a reasonable link to do this manually but I'd really like to get Migration Assistant to do this work.
Spring greetings to all... Thanks
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)