How to change default file type for Grab?
How do I use Terminal to change default file type for Grab?
How do I use Terminal to change default file type for Grab?
Thanks for the screen capture code, but I don't use it as I want to be selective about the area of the capture.
But that is exactly what these two do:
shift-command-4 : selected area (drag a rectangle and release the mouse)
shift-command-4, then <spacebar>: a window (move the "camera" over the window and click
Plus, with an app like Tinkertool, you can easily change the default format for screen captures to jpegs.
Grab is ancient history.
On El Capitan I did not have to reboot to get the name suffix functionality to work! Thanks for the great tip though!
To summarize, I saved this text from jsd2 along with yours into a text file in my "Mac Stuff" folder where I keep not-well-documented tips that I am likely to forget:
Mac Quick Screen Capture and Settings
The "traditional" screen capture allows this:
To make them jpg, type this into you terminal:
defaults write type jpeg
Replace jpeg with file name of choice to get desired result
defaults write type jpg
To summarize, I saved this text from jsd2 along with yours into a text file in my "Mac Stuff" folder where I keep not-well-documented tips that I am likely to forget:
I diagree about the, "not-well documented," part.
You shouldn't need a text file to store info that can simply be seen by typing "Screen Capture," into the help screen:
It's also readily available in Keyboard Shortcuts in System Prferences:
Yes Apple add .jpg
Looks like this is fixed now - now in Grab when I click File>Save... and change the File Format to jpeg, it remembers that choice in the future.
Instead of using Grab, try command + shift + 3 for a capture of your entire screen. Or command + shift + 4 to select an area of the screen just like Grab. The shortcut keys and Screen Capture are much faster and you can default them to jpg by opening Terminal and running this command: defaults write type jpg;killall SystemUIServer
Hope that helps!
How to change default file type for Grab?