how do i uninstall mackeeper
how do i uninstall mackeeper
Mac Pro
how do i uninstall mackeeper
Mac Pro
blackvt wrote:
I came to this page because I googled the issue and unfortunately Phil Stokes method didn't work for me.
You could have an older version. Supposedly, by the time I actually tried it, MacKeeper had improved its uninstaller. If you go back to Kappy's link above, and look for the section "Uninstalling earlier versions of MacKeeper" that should work. Macs aren't like Windows where files can be hidden all over the system. There are only a few places where such system modifications are found. While they aren't meant for end users to go digging around in, they aren't that difficult to clean up.
I wrote a little diagnostic program that will list any such 3rd party system modifications. Download EtreCheck from, run it, and paste the results in a new thread. It is best to avoid piggy-packing onto an older thread. That is only useful for getting your question lost.
Disclaimer: Although EtreCheck is free, there are other links on my site that could give me some form of compensation, financial or otherwise.
I agree strongly
hi Kappy,
First, the icon I have which says 'Mackeeper' isn't the robot man, it's a yellow box. And, this yellow box says 'Mackeeper.2.6.1.pkg' next to it.
It isn't in my Applications folder, it's listed in my Administrator folder.
I went to your 'How to remove Mackeeper' link and read the instructions.
And, when I went to your 'How to remove Mackeeper' site, I read the instructions, and when going to my hardrive, opened Library, then opened Application Support, I don't see Mackeeper listed there, only other folders like Adobe and printer folder.
Does this mean that I don't have Mackeeper installed? It is showing in my Downloads folder.
Please advise. Thanks!
Yes there is
That is the installer. If you do have MacKeeper installed, that is not it.
Do not install MacKeeper (and how to uninstall it if you have):
(Please note that references to the original developers, Zeobit, also now refer to Kromtech Alliance Corp, who acquired MacKeeper and PCKeeper from ZeoBit LLC in early 2013.
Dear hatter,
Thank you so much!
Dear MacKeeper,
May everything you touch turn to gold.
Peace and love,
About using Cnet and their download manger... DO NOT.
I just did not realize the issues with it having never used cnet but it appears that almost anything download can potentially contain an extra payload, even if just adware you do not want to touch it.
I have been slow to move to using or adopting AppStore having been old VersionTracker from before and then
Appologies (and how these two year old threads come back to life!).
And avoid Cnet to keep your mac happy and safe!
Thank you for all of you that posted these fixes, I used the Phil Stokes line by line method for the older MacKrapper version 1.9. It worked perfectly. I've checked my activity monitor and there is no evidence of any MacKeeper or Zeobit left 😀
Thanks very much, Kappy. Very helpful.
Yesterday my Mac got infected by the tiresome MacKeeper as well. Hoping i can share my Mac's experience, and eventual recovery, thanks to Apple Customer Support:
Best Course of Action:
Safe Browsing,
I installed Avast free virus software and ran a scaning and then it worked fine without MacKeeper.
I installed Avast virus software and ran a scaning and then it worked fine without MacKeeper
thanks Kappy.. one more quest, mackeeper pops up keep bugging me,,everytime i opened safari..HOW TO REMOVE THAT ANNOYING?
how do i uninstall mackeeper