Hi Ismagom7, Sorry I haven't been able to respond sooner. I am in a tight deadline, as we all are. Fronzey's points are important, so re-step your steps.
I will add this: Since I have been having a number of problems, like vanishing timelines and projects causing FCPX to crash, I have come to realize that one of the dynamics that may be causing these bugs is commonly related to the file structure and meta data coordination in the FCPX code — programmed to operate in the background.
As you know, you can edit sub sections of a project sections locate the storage of that project (think of it as a sequence in FCP7) within a master folder in the Project Library. If you have been doing this (creating sub-folders within a project) you may be contributing to the bug becuase you are causing layers of background data that must be processed constantly tracked.
You might go to the finder level and remove any sub-projects from the master folder and store then at the root level in the Finacl Cut Project folder. Reopen FCPX and export (again) via XML. Close FCP, maybe even clear all you cachés by resetting you Mac's PRAM and NVRAM (option-command-r-p) during an OSX reboot. Re launcg FCPX and then re-import the XML file. Before going any further, do not try to open the project timeline. First, duplicate the project by highlighting in in the Project Library using (Command D) and save it on another drive if you have one. After you've done that then open the project timeline from the XML version you have just re-imporrted.
Somehow, I have noted, this process cleans up all the conflicting meta data and processing data that becomes fowled up with this bug —— I am seeing is that the meta data managment (controlling the locations of the files, the editing command(s), timeline data, etc) is a lot on information on line at one time. The procesing is — I belive — where they problem may be rooted. It does not simply appear to be related to a single comand, such as adding a gap, or changing the specific elements of an edit, but rather in the process of coordinating the paths to the data and the related editing instrucitons. If FCPX had a face, like a human being, I think it's eyes would be rolling and it's heart would be beating a 200 bpm, while breating hard and out of breath.
Several of procedures I am constantly using are to make sure I am limited the demands on the heart of FCPX's processing. I have "background render" turned off in the app's perferences. I render at the end of the editing proicess, rather than during it, thereby taking that task away from the processing load. Secondly, I am nowusing a $4.99 app called Even Manager X that hides all projects and events that I am not working with, even projects that are really sub-edits that I have already complete or need to work on later related to the Master project. This stops the processesor from having to connect to that data, as a background process, and allows the more important processing focus to be on the edit at hand.
Here is the site for Even Manager X
1. Stay away from sub-folders (it may not be a problem, but it could very will be part of it, becuase of the data paths necessary to me remembered by the processors).
— Keep all projects at the root level of the Final Cut Libraary on your drive(s)
3. Cut down on any background processing that is not necessary while you edit.
— Manage your projects by hiding the ones not in use (Event Manager)
— turn off background rendering
4. Constantly back-up (Time Machine) or Duplicate Project Only (Command D in the Project Library.
— This is insurance against these bugs.
Ismagom7, I am not sure this will resolve the problem you are having, but this is just a bit on information I am coming to, as I am constantly dealing with the inevitable bugs of this new verion of FCP.
I hope this helps,