Why I cannot sync my videos to my iPad or iPhone using Aperture?
Why I cannot sync my videos to my iPad or iPhone using Aperture?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Why I cannot sync my videos to my iPad or iPhone using Aperture?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Yes I tried already and I synced and played on iPad. It synced and played.
Now, which Aperture icon is it?
I mean I can play this videos to my iPad if I will transfer it using iPad camera kit.
But using aperture to sync it, then theres a problem. How this happens?
That I understood - but the sync from Aperture goes via the Media Browser to iTunes, and we need to know if the problem is at the iTunes end (why the incompatibility message) or in the Aperture Library or in the Media Brower?
Why risk repairing your Aperture Library, if really iTunes cannot sync those movies?
Now, which Aperture icon is it?
I mean - quit Aperture if it is running - then double-click on the icon of the Aperture app in the Applications Folder or in the Dock holding down Command(⌘)-option (⌥) at the same time.
Im will to repair it. you said "This you can do from the Aperture Library First Aid Panel (Launch it by holding down
Command(⌘)-option (⌥) at the same time while double clicking the Aperture icon." which one or where can I find this Aperture icon?
where can I find this Aperture icon
How do you usually lauch Aperture? The program is in your "Applications" folder. Click on the icon in this folder.
Or don't you know how to open the "Applications" folder in MacOS X 10.7.3?
Click somewhere an empty spot on your Desktop and press the key combination Shift-Command-A. This will open the "Applications" folder. Then hold down Command(⌘)-option (⌥) at the same time and double click Aperture.
I'll back up first... I'll get back to you... Thanks in advance...
You are welcome. Léonie
😟 After syncing for a day I find the following:
When you import directly from the camera to the iPad there is probably some implicit format conversion.
So it's really Aperture problem. No other way?
Aperture, please help.
Thank you leonie!
I wish I could have found a solution, but no. You will have to continue to import directly to your iPad or bite the bullet and convert the video - a lot of work, I know.
So it's really Aperture problem.
It's an iTunes Problem - iTunes initializes the data transfer and decides what it compatible and what not. I never noticed, because I usually do not keep the raw videos in Aperture. I cut them in iMovie and use the stabilizer before I send them to iTunes.
Thank you sooooo much Leonie.
For now I'll just wait for iTunes update and I wish that Apple will know and fix this problem.
Again, thank you so much!
You are welcome.
and I wish that Apple will know and fix this problem
Send feedback to Apple: 😝 http://www.apple.com/feedback/aperture.html
Also may you occasionally browse the iTunes - and iPad Support Communities; maybe there you can find a good work-around.
Thank you!
Why I cannot sync my videos to my iPad or iPhone using Aperture?