How do I insert a "DRAFT" watermark on a page
How do I insert a "DRAFT" watermark on a page?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
How do I insert a "DRAFT" watermark on a page?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
"I was rather hoping that there was a range of pre designed images that could be inserted as watermarks."
Waste of your time, Tony. How long is it going to take to
Bulleted steps are specific to using a text box. For a downloaded object, substitute these bulleted steps:
Numbered steps are the same (or close to the same) for either type of object.
Here's the result I use, created using a text box.
(page image reduced to 50%)
"I was rather hoping that there was a range of pre designed images that could be inserted as watermarks."
Waste of your time, Tony. How long is it going to take to
Bulleted steps are specific to using a text box. For a downloaded object, substitute these bulleted steps:
Numbered steps are the same (or close to the same) for either type of object.
Here's the result I use, created using a text box.
(page image reduced to 50%)
Possibly not the tidiest way but it will work.....
in a text box, write "Draft" (or find an appropriate graphic).
Select it, and from the Menu > Arrange > Send to Back+
You can obviously change the size, colour, rotation, opacity etc to suit your needs as normal from the inspector box.
Hope that helps!
Be sure that you have selected the text object, set the wrap to Full and the Text Fit to Full and use Arrange > Send Objects to Background. It really does work. Try it again.
As a Postscript: I notice in your Profile that you are still using OSX 10.0 (Cheeta?) - I strongly urge you to upgrade to the highest OSX you can for your equipment - there are many improvements along the way and it is well worth your time and money to be as current as possiblle.
Message was edited by: bwfromspring hill
Hi bw,
You wrote: "…set the wrap to Full…"
Actually,the setting doesn't matter; if the object is in the Background layer, it doesn't cause Wrap. Here's an example of a Text box using your recommended settings (Full Wrap, Text Fit to 'follow the contour of the object') , and Floating above the text layer:
With the object moved to the backgound (and without changing the Wrap settings), Wrap no longer applies, and the text flows over the object:
Thanks Barry for the useful tip. I'll make a note for the future. I was just reading off of my Wrap Inspector and figured if the settings would work, the effect would work, but your point is well taken.
My response to the OP was more actually directed to what I sensed as using the wrong type of "sending":
in one case you select an object and "send to back"; in the other case, you select an object and "send to background"
If you just send the object "to back", the object still demands wrap; when you send it "to background", the object does not need wrap as you also pointed out.
One other feature of the image (for the word 'DRAFT') you might want to adjust is to control the Opacity in the Graphic Inspector. This way if "DRAFT" is too strong and the reader can't make out some of the print on the page, you can reduce Opacity to make it more transparent and easy to read.
Thanks for the help Barry.
I had to do a lot of figuring, trial and error and consulting other postings to interpret your instructions. They are old and kind of cloudy but nevertheless they helped me with my needs in El Capitan.
Project successfully completed.
HI hedgehog,
Now that you've successfully completed your project, you might consider recording the steps you took to insert the DRAFT watermark on your document ad post them here as an "UPDATE for Pages 5/El Capitan.
Hi, many thanks for your reply and yes it worked.
I was rather hoping that there was a range of pre designed images that could be inserted as watermarks.
Thanks anyway
"I was rather hoping that there was a range of pre designed images that could be inserted as watermarks."
- A search in Google for Document Watermarks (images) might help.
It does't work for me. Send to back is unable. too bad.
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How do I insert a "DRAFT" watermark on a page