I can't set up my tiscali email on my ipad2
I can't set up my tiscali email on my ipad2
iPad 2, iOS 5.1
I can't set up my tiscali email on my ipad2
iPad 2, iOS 5.1
Oh really? Do you have a question or are you just letting everyone know? Have you searched Google? Have you contacted Tiscali support and asked them for the correct settings?
I used good old fashioned trial and error and sorted it!!!!!!!!!!
Tiscali settings iPad
Add account
Other (provider)
Name: Your own name choice
Email: your tiscali user name@talktalk.co.uk
Description: talktalk.co.uk
Then click next and choose imap option NOT POP3!!
Then change settings to tiscali.
Incoming mail server
Host name; iMap.tiscali.co.uk
Username;your user name@tiscali.co.uk
Password; your own password
Outgoing mail server
Smtp. Smtp.tiscali.co.uk
Username; leave blank
Password; leave blank
Primary server
Host name; smtp.tiscali.co.uk
Use Ssl ; off
Authentication; blank
Server port: 25
hope this works for you!!!!!!!!!
Im having exactly the same problem. I have followed your instructions, but how do you get to the Primary server part???
For primary server
Mail contacts and calendars
Under accounts click on your new provider/account you have just set up.
Under IMAP click on account name you have just set up.
Under outgoing mail server click on you new provider you have set up under SMTP......
You will see the primary server at the top of this list.
Hope this helps.
Just bought mini iPad and was v frustrated at not being able to add my tiscali email - your method worked - thanks.
After trying for the longest time to set my partners Tiscali account up on both the original iPad and the latest iPad 4th generation version, I had failed miserably .
However, I have just followed our very clear and concise instructions, and like magic, he can now access his Tiscali/Talktalk account on both iPads .
Thank you so much, this information works like a dream.
Hi Scott
I am new to forums but saw your response my problem to others, whcih seesm to work for them, but unfortunately will not work for me, so i am hoping you can help me
I am trying to set up my tiscali.co.uk email account on a new ipad mini
despite following your instrcutiosn step by step i cannot get it to accept a server that will work
first it fails and says cannot connenct using ssl, try without? whcih i do, but still no joy
despite what i save, it still me that the PRIMARY SERVER is not configgured,
then lists all the other servers i have tried (under smtp.servers) such as smtp.tsicali.co.uk
and smtp.talktalk.net, even imap.talktalk.net,nothing seems to work
any suggestions please??
many thanks
What's ur email Lady of Sandwich? I an send you a step by step guide
HI could you email it to me please I have the same issue as sandwich! Thanks
<Email Edited By Host>
I am struggling with this same dilemma. I'm not particularly good with these things but I tried the above instructions and they didn't work for me. They said can't connect try using ask which still doesn't work :(
Sadly, I dont't seem able to post my "help" document here. Happy to send it on if you can contact me.
It may be worth noting that Tiscali don't allow for emails to be sent via their SMTP servers on other networks. So if you want to send email you'll need to be connected to your Tiscali internet connection to do so.
Just a final note to add to this. After much searching around I have now come up with a way of making Tiscali emails send from any Internet connection. See the two links below. It's a bit of a faff having to create an O2 account, but once it is created, you set this as your primary server in the iPad email settings for Tiscali and that's it. All emails send and receive from your normal Tiscali account, but simply use the O2 server as a third party. Works for me... Pity it took 10 months to find the answer....!
Hi I have been searching and trying to add my tiscali email address to my ipad all day and I am getting nowhere fast I have tried all the settings shown and it still doesn't work would you kindly email me your user guide.
I'd be very happy to. How do I contact you?
I can't set up my tiscali email on my ipad2