how do i add a photo to a letter?
When writing a letter how to I attach or enclose a picture either in the body of the letter or as an attchment to be opened by the recipient?
iPad 2, iOS 5.1.1, 3G
When writing a letter how to I attach or enclose a picture either in the body of the letter or as an attchment to be opened by the recipient?
iPad 2, iOS 5.1.1, 3G
linuxubuntufan wrote:
Either click an icon that looks like a paper clip ...
The Mail app has no such icon to add attachments. Perhaps some 3rd party mail apps do, but Mail does not.
To send a picture as an attachment via Mail, you have to start in the Photos app, select the desired picture, then select the option to send it to someone via e-mail (which is a new message, so you can't reply to someone this way).
You may be able to paste a picture directly into an e-mail message, even on a reply. Go over to the Photos app, tap the arrow icon at the top-right and select "Copy Photo" and then paste it into the body of the e-mail. But due to the way some servers handle e-mail some recipients may not see the image.
linuxubuntufan wrote:
Either click an icon that looks like a paper clip ...
The Mail app has no such icon to add attachments. Perhaps some 3rd party mail apps do, but Mail does not.
To send a picture as an attachment via Mail, you have to start in the Photos app, select the desired picture, then select the option to send it to someone via e-mail (which is a new message, so you can't reply to someone this way).
You may be able to paste a picture directly into an e-mail message, even on a reply. Go over to the Photos app, tap the arrow icon at the top-right and select "Copy Photo" and then paste it into the body of the e-mail. But due to the way some servers handle e-mail some recipients may not see the image.
my accounts are Gmail and Hotmail. they look the same. i see no icons, boxes or anything i can use to put a photo in. just a wide open, white, blank page.
i just got my first Apple device after being a Windows user for over 10 years. I'm trying to (and think I eventually will) like Apple as much as devotees.
You have to send the email from within the photos app.
Go to the photos app and find the photo that you want to include in your email. Tap on that photo and then tap the arrow icon in the upper right corner of the photos app. Select email photo from the resulting window. The mail app will open with the photo included and you can write and send the email from there.
You can include up to 5 photos in an email from the photos app. With all of you photos in thumbnail view, tap on the photos that you want to include, then tap the Share Button in the upper left corner. Tap email from the resulting window and the mail app will open.
Either click an icon that looks like a paper clip or try using iMessage (to send a photo in that, click the camera icon next to the text entry field).
When you say letter are you talking about emai?
Yes, CentrOfUnivers is probably meaning email. If CentrOfUnivers meant message, CentrOfUnivers would probably state that it's a message.
yes, Gmail.
how do i add a photo to a letter?