I'm disheartened by how many people posting in the past few weeks are having the same problem.
I have a 2010 MacBook Pro, 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 duo with 4 gigs of memory (plenty of it free). Worked great until several months ago when I went on vacation and it was off the charger for about four days. When I plugged it in and turned it back on, it started the behavior it has done ever since. When I open the lid after sleep (or turn it on after shutdown) it will either:
1) Go to gray startup screen with the apple on it, show the gray "sunshine-type" spinny for numerous seconds, then the spinny will end and disappear and it will be stuck on the gray apple startup screen,
2) The keyboard will light up but the screen will stay black,
3) Much more rarely, it will appear to boot normally but then the cursor will freeze and the screen will behave strangely: broken graphics, "static" like an old TV, crazy scrambled rainbow patches in a window. Spinny beachballs abound.
The only way to resolve it is by SEVERAL hard resets. Every morning I have to patiently turn my computer on three, four, sometimes seven times until it boots properly. If I leave it asleep for more than a couple of hours during the day it will do the same thing. Sometimes on booting the hard drive will make that lovely "landing airplane" noise, which is just fabulous, and is no predictor of whether it will actually boot this time or not. Other times it won't. The problem seems to be getting worse.
I got it to temporarily stop by upgrading my OS to Lion from whatever the earlier one was. Then I left it off the charger for a few days on another trip and the problem started again; reinstalling Lion didn't work this time. I have tried the extended disk check (sorry for nontechnical language, it's 3 AM)-- hardware check, software check, everything suggested in every forum-- all come up clean. Everything is up to date. It seems to me that the suggestions on these forums are all over the map. I don't use Chrome, I don't have the graphics option (it's a 13"), I don't use any of the software people say that when they uninstalled resolved the problem. The only common thread I can really see is that something about the hardware is pure crap.
Needless to say this is very frustrating and disappointing. I too am a huge Apple fan/devotee (I use an iPhone, a Macbook, and my kids have an iMac and an iPad)... loved my first Macbook, and feel kind of let down and betrayed that they sold me this much more expensive Macbook that works whimsically. After all I have seen on these forums, I don't see the point in taking it in to the Genius Bar.... it sounds like they just take your money and assure you they've fixed the problem, and then the next day you're doing ten hard resets again.
Based on when this started for me, my hunch is that running down the battery did something to mess up the machine-- any thoughts on that? Correlation is not necessarily causation, after all.