ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?, ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?
What difference does it make whether he is an Apple employee or not ? At least there seems to be somebody offering a viable solution (if it works), which is far more than Apple has done so far.
And his website clearly says he is not affiliated with Apple or any other company.
He is not offering a viable solution.
Our Macintosh Users Group listed David Marra as Apple Senior Systems Engineer for the presentation he made to us last Thursday evening. We must have gotten that title from somewhere. If it's incorrect, I apologize. Although people who work as freelancers in addition to their "day" job might not use their technical title on their web site. I do know he represents Apple going out to schools and explaining how Apple's products can be used in the school systems.
In any case, it doesn't matter. If he can show us a way to get "back" to useable applications on the iPad who cares what his actual title is, or whether he works for Apple or not?
Yes, like having the foresight to back up your computer when you have written all of you term papers on it. If you did not do so, and your hard drive crashed, would it then be Apple's, Dell's, whoevers fault that you didn't back up?
Volkerlauterbach wrote:
What difference does it make whether he is an Apple employee or not ? At least there seems to be somebody offering a viable solution (if it works), which is far more than Apple has done so far.
That "solution" has probably been mentioned in this thread (not going to go back through 35 pages to verify, though) and countless times on these forums.
The source of solutions always matters as it determines how much credence one should give them. The fact that Mr. Marra seemed unaware of the problem and took this long to get back to you with this easily found information, to me, doesn't speak highly of his expertise in thes particular matter.
Apps not working could be due to too many Apps running in background gobbling up RAM
Double click the Big Round Button. This will expose the running Apps. Deleting them from the exposed window will free up RAM, perhaps enough to let your problem Apps work OK.
You pay Apple money. You pass the required exams ... and voila ... you are an Apple Senior Systems Engineer.
Your Users Group should be more careful. He is NOT an Apple Engineer nor has he ever been one and he does NOT represent Apple at schools or any other location. He is not affiliated with Apple. If he represented himself as doing so at your meeting he was fraudulently stating this. This would make me skeptical of the source also.
Hope you didn't pay him anything.
Absolutely not.
Highest supported version for the original iPad is iOS 5.1.1
You will find the highest iOS versions for each iDevice Apple has ever produced here:
Ok, so he offers no viable solution - puts him on par with Apple then..........
RE: Double click the Big Round Button. This will expose the running Apps. Deleting them from the exposed window will free up RAM, perhaps enough to let your problem Apps work OK.
Didn't know you could do this - good information - thanks!
But the apps that don't work are still there along that bottom row - and I cannot even delete them. (CNN, Netflix, Dropbox, The Weather Channel, and LinkedIn)
I actually haven't heard back from him (David Marra) yet. I know he's on the road a lot, so may be too busy. I intend to post any and all information I get once he does contact me.
Apple has a complex stable of products. David Marra does presentations about the new iLife and iWork applications, and how they can interchange between devices. I wasn't surprised that he was unaware of our iPad 1 problem - but now he's not.
Let's see if he can help us before we decide anything about him!
ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?, ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?