ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?, ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?
Re: ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?, ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?
May 6, 2013 11:28 AM (in response to
RE: Double click the Big Round Button. This will expose the running Apps. Deleting them from the exposed window will free up RAM, perhaps enough to let your problem Apps work OK.
Didn't know you could do this - good information - thanks!
But the apps that don't work are still there along that bottom row - and I cannot even delete them. (CNN, Netflix, Dropbox, The Weather Channel, and LinkedIn)
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Well, looks like we've identified your problem. The iPad1 was not really designed for multitasking with it's 256mB RAM.
When you get to the bar at the bottom listing the running Apps, touch one of those icons. Each of those icons should exhibit a minus sign in the upper left corner. Tapping those minus signs will delete those Apps from RAM.
With th iPad one, this should be a routine habit. This is the way to handle the RAM issue.
If Apple was more consumer friendly, the RAM would be a plug-in and there would be an SD card slot.
Why is David Marra so keen on iWork? It natively uses Apple prritary file formats. I use Document Manager Pro & PDF Converter. It natively uses Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint formats which are the industry standard. MS Office is what business users employ on the Mac, NOT iWork.
I appreciate your efforts to help - I do - but the applications along the bottom (when darkened because they no longer work - I assume, due to upgrades) DO NOT get the minis sign (like the other working apps do), therefore they DO NOT allow me to delete them. They are like the grayed out items in a Mac drop-down menu - you just can't do anything with them.
And the argument that the RAM is deficient and won't allow them to run doesn't reallycompute because the earlier versions of each of those applications ran beautifully for me on my iPad 1 before the upgrades. I did go and delete many apps that I didn't realize were running - correction - now I've gone back and deleted EVERY app that I could that was along that bottom line - and the five listed as not working are still down there, and still not working.
I shut the iPad down, and restarted it. Then tried opening one of the non-working apps. I still get the "Unable to Download Application" window that I did before. It just says "The Weather Channel for iPad could not be downloaded at this time." so I first assumed that my internet signal was down or weak. Took me a long time to locate this thread and discover the source of the problem.
Not relevant to this thread... but he's representing Apple, after all, and these are Apple's applications. They (supposedly) will open Microsoft equivalent apps, and interchange (mostly) with them. - plus Apple has added features to enhance their productivity. Makes sense if he's working for Apple, doesn't it? And these applications cost $20 apiece for a Mac computer, and $10 apiece for iPad, iPod and iPhone use, allowing them to be used on any of Apple's hardware, and coordinate all around using iCloud. Good competition for Microsoft I'd say.
Have you tried deleting one of your problem Apps, and then reinstalling it from the App Store. Sometimes updates wind up corrupting an App. This approach has worked for me.
How many tablets have you found that have plug-in RAM? How many smartphones have plug-in RAM.
The iPad, and Apple products, obviously do no meet your requirements so you should buy something else and move on. All you are now is a ridiculous troll. And what you say is customer friendly does not mean it is the same for all others.
I'll do that (uninstall and reinstall an app) and let you know how that goes.
Uninstalled the Weather Channel - then went to the Apple store to reinstall.
It says iOS6 is required - then allows me an "OK" button.
It's not okay. I just closed that one out.
I can't see any way to locate and install the older app that used to work.
Did the same for CNN app.
It doesn't tell me that it needs iOS6, it's just installing...
That one did work, the information said it works with iOS 4.3 and later, so that installation worked.
I'll try with the rest - at least I'm 50% there - THANKS!
Again, he is NOT representing Apple. He does not work for Apple. His website makes it clear he does NOT work for Apple. He does not speak for Apple.
Yes the earlier versions of the app that ran under iOS 5.1.1 and OpenGl 1.0 ran on the iPad 1. Barely. But the Weather Channel has chosen not to keep that version in the App Store. The new version requires iOS 6 which requires more than 256MB of RAM on the iPad 1. There is no way to add RAM to the iPad 1 (or any other tablet or smartphone).
The only way you can put your old apps back on (assuming they would still work, for a number of apps that access a remote server, like Weather Channel, they won't work on older versions. Whatsapp had to issue a special "older" version for iPhone 3G users), is if you have them on your computer or a backup. The only other possibility that this non-Apple person might bring to you is locating old versions of the program on non-official sites and jailbreaking your iPad in order to load them.
The Weather Channel app in the App Store says it requires iOS 6.
Debbie duh!
Do you always make unsubstantiated claims?
The Lenovo ThinkPad X200 Tablet allows user memory upgrades ;)
I didn't think it was worth an effort to compile a list, but feel free to google for more.
Shame on the weather channel for collaborating with Apple in their zest to make iPad1's obsolete. They are drinking the Apple kool aid and requiring IOS6, but Apple has us stuck at 5.1.1. Use the Weather Underground App instead. wrote:
Shame on the weather channel for collaborating with Apple in their zest to make iPad1's obsolete. They are drinking the Apple kool aid and requiring IOS6,
Comparing Apple and the Weather Channel not providing you with software you want to the death of almost a thousand people is just a bit over the top.
Hey this is cool!
Now all we need is another page just like this one on Wikipedia listing the last version number of every app to work on each iOS version which we've all purchased or downloaded (466 in total for me, but I guess hundreds of thousands it total for everyone else), so that we can then go back to the developers and ask them if they would kindly mind sending us that last version of their lovely app that actually worked on iOS 5.1.1 before iTunes automaticlally wiped it out many months ago (without letting us know the new downloaded version was utterly useless to us).
Yippee! We're all saved! Church bells are ringing all across the land. Oh, no, its just my tinnitus playing up again!
Anyway, Apple, please set up a better system in iTunes so that it doesnt overwrite the last working version of each app purchased via the App Store for any given iOS version and maybe even sticks it in a folder somewhere named: "Folder containing all your really old apps for iOS5 that we cant be bothered to store online for you any more even tho you purhcased them a la cloud from us originally - now get your backside over to the nearest Apple store and get yourself a new iPad so we can do this all over again".
I understand iPad1 is going to be superseded, thats fine by me. I do understand the concept of technological progress. What's not fine is automatically destroying my purchased apps to the point of rendering iPad1 useless sooner rather than later. Non, pas, nao, NO - thats not nice.
What about the environmental impact of the DEATH of millions iPad1's dumped into landfills all over the country due to Apples planned obsolescence policy?
Most people have enough common sense to realize that a new version of software, doesn't mean that the hardware will suddenly stop working.
ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?, ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?