LaSylphide, the Mail forum shows up as one of the categories within the "Mac OS and System Software" forum. Click on whichever version of OSX you're using, and you'll see the list of categories.
There are several threads on this topic, and I've seen three solutions:
1. Check the "Send Windows-Friendly Attachments" box. Some people say it works, some say it doesn't.
2. Open Terminal and type:
defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes
Some people say this works, some say it doesn't.
3. In Mail > Preferences > Composing, make sure "Message Format" is set to "Plain Text." Once again, some say this works, some say it doesn't.
Hopefully, one of those will solve your problem. There may also be a setting in your editor's email program that would solve it, but I'm assuming that's a Windows app and I haven't worked with Windows since 1993, so I'm no help there.